Overcome obstacles

    Research proves that feelings are the result of what we think. Therefore, whether or not we are happy becomes a result of our thoughts. I can summarize the whole theory for the secret of success and the long-awaited happiness in one word: gratitude.

    The grateful person has the ability to thank and recognize a gesture of kindness, an attitude of affection, a help, a compliment, an assistance, a gift, a kindness or simply all the good that life offers daily. What left humanity so far from this feeling was the exacerbated concern of the TER, forgetting, even, that it depends a lot on the BEING.

    From the moment we start to be grateful for what we have and better accept what we don't have, we become happier and more at ease with life. From the moment you are grateful for the things you have, you start to value them more, instead of taking them for granted.

    It also helps to sow an internal reflection of realizing how blessed your life is to have many things that others don't have the opportunity to have.

    It could be because of illness, the end of a marriage, the loss of a loved one or the loss of a job, for example. At these times, we tend to get angry and sad. “Why me?” thought.

    The big secret is that, even in these moments, as difficult as they are, we must see a positive point through which we are grateful for them. Everything good and bad that happens has a positive point. May it be seen as an opportunity for personal growth and development. Situations that are occurring for you to be stronger. For personal evolution.

    Overcome obstacles
    Agung Pandit Wiguna / Pexels / Canva

    The understanding of the facts and the reason for certain situations at that moment are beyond our understanding. We get angry, and, in moments of turmoil, the thought comes right away: “We all go through difficult times”.

    Being grateful for the things that happen in your life doesn't mean life is perfect. The point is to realize what's good about it and be grateful for it.

    Gratitude is undoubtedly one of the purest and noblest feelings there is. Once they know how to value everything they have and everything they are, grateful people emit a positive result in their thoughts, which is reflected in their material, making them happier and more fulfilled.

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    So, even in the face of adversity, view them as blessings There is a world of opportunity in the midst of crisis. If someone, by chance, blocks the door for you, don't waste energy on unnecessary confrontations; look for windows.

    Nature is wise and teaches us numerous lessons like the wisdom of water: “Water never argues with its obstacles, it always gets around them”.

    May we be water in prosperous times, but especially in difficult times!

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