the energy of the planet

    I confess that these days have been quite complicated for me. Horrible news about Covid19, an impending economic crisis, political struggles and violence. Add to that all the energy of planetary transition, collective death and rebirths.

    Anyone who is more sensitive knows what I'm talking about. Sometimes it feels like you've been hit by a bus: sometimes I feel a huge anger that isn't mine. I'm avoiding newspaper news and trying to tap into the energy of joy.

    The reality is that there is no way to make an omelet without breaking eggs. And everything that is happening was already part of a bigger plan. And all of us, absolutely every human being on this planet, is intrinsically connected to this shift.

    And it's not easy, not easy at all! I had a crying fit sitting on the couch at 2 am. There are days when I even eat the plaster on the wall and there are days when nothing comes down. My life is fine. It would be that typical moment of celebration, especially on the eve of my 45th birthday, but I can't help but feel this sadness. To feel the weight that all this is bringing to each of us.

    the energy of the planet
    Kat Jayne / Pexels

    But how to get out of it, then, or at least stay more positive? This is also not an easy answer, let alone a ready answer. The spiritual guidance I had was to connect to the energy of joy, of the inner child. I prepared a good San Germain floral with Melissa and rescued several TV comedies. And I have to say it really helped me a lot.

    I remember many years ago when I had my car stolen. I was on an astrology course and when I got out, the car had already been taken away. I returned in desperation to astrology school and found a class coming down the stairs. I was nervous, crying, practically having a fit. A girl who, I remember her face very well, asked me calmly, “Is everything okay?” and she gently placed her hand in the middle of my back. At the same moment I calmed down, as if automatically. I later asked her what she had done that had changed my state so quickly, she told me that it touched the inner child point, and that connected me to the energy of joy. Oh, she was Reiki!

    • 5 steps to connect with your spirituality
    • Repeat the mantras that attract positivity into your life
    • Understand how the pandemic is a message from God
    • Develop critical patience for the pandemic

    The guidance I received, therefore, I pass on to my readers and followers: the best thing we can do right now is to connect with the energy of joy, which is the same frequency energy as healing. This has enormous power to calm us down and pull us away from chaos. And God, very God in charge.

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