How is your image in the corporate world?

Your image in the corporate world

To better understand the idea of ​​your image in the corporate world, let's talk a little about personal marketing.

The basic tripod of personal marketing is: be, appear and appear. Being is the beginning of the work of self-knowledge, who I am, what my identity is, because my identity will define my personal brand. Next, we have to look, it's the assessment of how I am perceived, what perception others have of me. We end with appearing, that is, my visibility, what is my level of exposure, how to situate myself within the need for exposure, how to dimension it, how to direct it, are fundamental points to appear, be how much, when and for whom.

Have you ever thought about how others perceive you? The perception that others have of me is far from my own assessment. The “Being” conditions your “Wanting”. And “wanting” conditions “doing” in the construction of your identity, which is one of life's deepest mysteries. Thus, self-knowledge is the starting point for successful personal marketing.

Keep in mind that at all times you must improve and expand your network of relationships, the famous networking. The first big rule is not to get complacent, since meeting people is essential for your career, as it broadens your horizons, putting you in contact with professionals from the most diverse sectors at all hierarchical levels.

When going to an event, go alone. It has been proven that people who go to places alone know more people than those who are accompanied.

In these situations, have a short presentation as an icebreaker for that moment to strike up a conversation that isn't about the weather or traffic. For this presentation, prepare a quick text with the following information: “My name is…. I help people to… through…” or “My name is…. I do…. through…which contributes to…”

Get answers to questions like, “What do you do?” "Why did you come here today?" Yes, be prepared! If you are shy, practice in front of the mirror and get used to the text of your presentation, with your voice, see your physiology, keep a slight smile while you speak, these tips will make a lot of difference!

not corporate world

In this system, their attitudes and behaviors are fundamental, therefore, redouble care in the interpersonal relationship. It's not to be in a cast, but to pay attention, because you have your own signature, a particular, unique and exclusive way of being. Keep your essence taking care of respecting the work environment!

How is your image in the corporate world?

learn to listen

It sounds simple, but many people don't know and can't hear each other. Listening is a skill and is developed with concentration, effort, will and availability. Living in society only makes sense when one understands the importance of exchanging experiences, knowledge and information.

Good mood is always welcome!

Have you ever noticed that you sometimes spend more time with your co-workers than with your family? A harmonious coexistence is essential. Nobody can stand to spend hours next to a person who complains all day and that nothing is good.

How is your image in the corporate world?

Therefore, having a good mood is also having the intelligence to take advantage of the bad things that happen and face difficulties in a more natural way, without exaggeration. This is the only way to improve your quality of life and that of everyone around you.

Prepare your quick presentation and start today to expand your contacts and create your brand, immortalize your image in the world! Did you like this article? Then share it with your friends!

Read the first part of the series “Your image in the world”.

Big hugs, dear!

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