The effects of a smile

    The effects of a smile

    Harvey Ball is an American artist who created the image of the “smile”, a smiling yellow circle. In honor of him, World Smile Day is celebrated every first Friday of October. This date also allows people to put into practice the act of smiling, taking advantage of the benefits that this gesture brings.

    The main physiological benefit that a smile provides to a person's body is the release of endorphins. This is the same chemical released during moments of pleasure and joy. With endorphins in large quantities in your body, some improvements can be noticed in your body.

    A faster heart rate, reduced feelings of tension and an improvement in the immune system are all examples of the impact of endorphins on the body. If you are going through a difficult situation, for example, even a smile can make you feel better. The movement of the muscles of the face is already capable of favoring the release of the substance.

    Another physiological advantage of the smile is the improvement in skin elasticity. The more you smile, the more elastic your skin will become, preventing the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, a study from Loma Linda University proved that laughter can even increase HDL (good cholesterol) levels in the blood. Another study, carried out by the University of Oxford, showed that laughing can be essential in relieving the sensation of pain.

    Thinking about the social function of a smile, it is possible to observe that this gesture promotes trust between people. A smile for someone you know or someone you don't know is enough for that person to feel close to you. Empathy and sympathy can be conveyed through laughter, for example.

    In advertising images, in social situations or in important presentations, a smile conveys credibility, power, comfort and security. It's a great habit for people who feel nervous in this type of interaction, as a smile will always make a good impression, wherever someone goes.

    Considering all the advantages that the act of smiling brings to society and to each person individually, a therapy was developed that focuses on it. The so-called laughter therapy has as its motto the recovery of the universe of childhood and spontaneity, so that an adult person can connect with their inner child and be able to laugh more often during the day.

    The work carried out by the Doutores da Alegria, for example, of bringing humor to hospitalized patients, is based on laughter therapy. This Eastern technique of caring for people who have depressive thoughts or negative feelings should be aligned with other treatments. However, the scientific basis for performing laughter therapy lies in the physiological impact of the act of smiling, explained above, which promotes the release of endorphins in the body, bringing a feeling of happiness and disposition.

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    According to Mario Eduardo Paes, general coordinator of the NGO Hospitalhaços, it is possible to include laughter therapy in the daily life of each person. Thinking positive thoughts, laughing to yourself in front of a mirror and greeting people with a smile are actions that can improve the way you feel during the day.

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