Parallel Lives, Simultaneous Lives, and Multiple Lives in the Same Incarnation – Part 2

Read part 1 of this article here


The evolution of worlds is a natural process. Everything follows in a harmonious rhythm within the programming made since the creation. The Infinite Universe is made up of hundreds of billions of Galaxies. Each Galaxy also contains hundreds of billions of Stars. Most Stars support numerous Planets and these may still have their Moons.

Earth is just one of this infinite number of Orbs spread across the Universe. And as far as we are allowed to know, one of the most backward worlds in terms of energetic vibration. Also considered a school of souls of primary level, the spirits that arrive here, need to equip themselves with a human body as we know it well, endowed with peculiar characteristics for the development of consciousness. It is this consciousness that commands the free will of each one. It gives us the power to decide anything, but it also reminds us of the consequences of each decision.

In order for this learning to take place without interference, the Spirit, when incarnating, is submitted to the veil of oblivion. With that, with each reincarnation, the impression he has is that he has never been here before. He forgets his past and is subject to the Trials and Atonements, unconscious result of his past history, so that he can do differently and get right where he was wrong before.

Within the Universal timeline, Earth needs to move to a higher level of consciousness. It's time to end the primary level. Separated into Dimensions, the vibrations that were in a 3D track will gradually stabilize in 5D. Just to clarify, the 4D (period between lives) will cease to exist because it will no longer be necessary for Spirits in human form to disincarnate, as the Earth will no longer be a world of Trials and Atonements and will move to a world of Regeneration.

This Planetary Transition is a grand event! It will promote the separation of consciousness (wheat and chaff) and, with that, Planetary Cleaning. As everything is energy and vibration, the duality that has always been present here will pass into a perfect Unity. It is the first step towards the most blissful and perfect worlds.

According to the instructions of the Spiritual Helpers, we are in the End Time and everything is accelerated. It's "cleaning out the drawers", as they say. The technology itself, which has emerged in recent times, is within a program to facilitate this process.

Highly prepared spirits incarnated in these times to develop such tools. Others were interns at Knowledge Schools so that they could help with instructions regarding the “invisible”.

And to facilitate the karmic rescue that was still pending in most of these souls, many new diseases also appeared, a lot of violence, a lot of chaos, as you can well perceive.

But also, in the same proportion, opportunities were offered to those who really want to complete their apprenticeship and follow this more advanced school that is already looming on the horizon. 

To the recalcitrant Spirits, that is, hardened in evil, inhabitants of the 4D, mainly in the Inferior Astral, which according to the Spirit André Luiz in one of his books psychographed by Chico Xavier in the 70s-80s, amounted to 4 times the population of the Earth, opportunities were given.

Those who didn't want to take advantage are now being taken away. Those who still have a chance of getting final approval reincarnate to get the bonuses that are still missing. So, being incarnated here, most of them for the last time before the “gran finale”, all resources are offered to achieve this objective.

Among these resources, there is the gradual removal of the Veil, which allows the resumption of knowledge and powers that each one has, since until now they were in the subconscious. Gradually, according to the ability of each one to understand this process, the veil is being lifted, slowly and gradually. Sensory powers begin to manifest in one way or another, according to one's abilities.

The Spirit that inhabits the human body receives, in an increasingly conscious way, the "insights" of what still needs to be put into practice. It is the access to the Higher Dimensions, and also a training for the New Time that is ahead.

As time is running out, it seems that everything goes so fast that even the day feels like it only has 12 hours.

The internal changes of each one are so profound that after a few years, we can say that we are no longer the same. 

As there is no more time for new reincarnations, many of us go through a life and death process several times within this same existence.

As the Spirit Guides say: “Many of you only have little vows to get right”, so instead of “dying and reincarnating” several times to cleanse yourself, since time is short, we can do it in the same lifetime. You can do this on average once every 10 years. How wonderful! Die and be reborn without going through physical death itself! We saved a lot of time! Comparing, seven to eight centuries in just one!

We can also do this final “cleaning” in other ways. That's what we call Parallel Lives or Simultaneous Lives.

Parallel Lives, Simultaneous Lives, and Multiple Lives in the Same Incarnation – Part 2

They are vibrational tracks that can be accessed by each one, because all the emotions experienced by each Spirit in the human experience, carry in their soul luggage such cosmic cellular memories. These memories were always recalled in 4D. As time is pressing, we have the opportunity to do so in this current lifetime yet. We more or less consciously access situations that still need to be understood, accepted, repaired or simply enlightened. They are our traumas, our fears, the unaccepted losses, pain and suffering that affected us a lot, the attachment too much, the very rooted ego, emotions based on hurts and resentments, the lack of forgiveness and, mainly, on the Limiting Beliefs.

These parallel accesses, even if they are transient, allow us to experience a situation that is not yet cured in us. Then, something seemingly inexplicable arises, or some pain or sensation without apparent causes, a strange discomfort, an emptiness without reason, and most of the time, we feel out of this world or not belonging to this Dimension. We can also have the desire to go somewhere we don't even know where… Back home. Still, a feeling of not being in the body or feeling out of it.

This first phase of out-of-body experiences is enabling us to heal still pending. However, it is also serving as training, as we are retaking our innate powers, such as healing, telepathy, teleportation, access to Higher Dimensions and recognition of our origins.

The moment is unique! No one is denied the right to these resources, but not everyone will take advantage of them, let alone understand them.

“To each, according to his efforts!”

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