The difficult art of making choices

Choosing is never easy. People never really know what they are choosing. It's bets. And when something is at stake, it's more than normal to be afraid. And resistance is also normal, the โ€œI don't want to face thisโ€ or the procrastination, the โ€œmaybe I don't need to face this nowโ€. It means that our problems are difficult. But all is not lost, because we don't stop wanting.

I get the feeling that everything we want is right. Not everything we want is right, but everything we want, as a conscious, reflective process, that little truth that we sometimes want to deny or that sometimes on impulse we deny, is never hidden, and always comes back to tell us what is most important and what should we do.

The difficult art of making choices

But consciously choosing is impossible.

For we choose futures and futures do not yet exist. We try to create them with our choices, but our choices are not the only things that create them. Most of what we want to choose is not in our control. Just being sure of what we want and knowing yourself, doing your best. The rest is up to fate.

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Sometimes, procrastination helps us with these certainties. But we must not be deceived. Procrastination will never get us what we want, silencing the wisely irritating voice that insists on guiding us to our best.

The difficult art of making choices

You probably fell into this text looking for tips on how to choose well.

I only have this: one choice is better than none. Oh, but what if I make a mistake? If you make a mistake, you'll know you chose wrong, and you'll have a chance to choose differently. Most of times. And if it doesn't, ok, because the only thing that would be impossible, right now, is to deviate from the need to make choices. Avoiding choices or postponing them is also a choice. And generally speaking, it's not the best.

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