The day I was forced to eat beef liver

    From a very young age, I didn't have a very comfortable relationship with food. I remember my mother being very angry when I “didn't eat anything”, she used to say. I was floored by my difficulty in eating. I got pneumonia at 7 years old and had to eat liver steak, because the doctor said it was necessary! Imagine the agony of mine and hers.

    To make me strong, she gave me watercress soup (she thought I was going to die). I vomited everything after eating. And it wasn't on purpose, no! My "digestive system" couldn't handle it. I know I survived and here I am. After growing up and at the height of my 45 years, I observe that if we follow the indications of fashionable foods without being aware of our typology, we are lost.

    The other day, I went to see a doctor of Chinese medicine and I really liked it. He read my pulse, watched my tongue, and described all my symptoms without me having to say anything. I felt seen as a whole, and not in parts, as in traditional medicine.

    The day I was forced to eat beef liver

    In this context, he told me that I have a deficiency of spleen energy and that I can't eat raw food AT ANY WAY, as, according to this view, it increases the moisture in my body and makes my symptoms much worse. All cooked then! It made sense to me. Now, what if I had opted for the raw food line a few years ago, when did that “boom” happen?

    For those who don't know, raw food gives priority to the consumption of raw plant foods. It is a diet that considers the vitality existing in these foods as an essential source, even more important than proteins or carbohydrates. I highly honor this vision, as well as others, but my “system” does not align with it.

    My reflection here today, dear readers, is the following:

    Know your typology before opting for one food vision or another. Watch yourself, see the reactions of your bodies when you ingest something.

    The other day, I read that Ayurveda says that it is not good to drink milk with bananas or mangoes (if you are going to drink it, prefer milks that are not long-lived, because they are only long-lived). I remembered when my grandmother used to say that I would die if I had mango milk.

    Of course, one day, to subvert the order, I mixed milk with mango... and I'm here alive. But maybe, for some typologies, it's not really good. The egg and coffee have already been condemned in the past and today they are the darlings of the time again. And if you're going to work out and don't say you eat chicken with sweet potatoes, it's not good! Maybe you are frowned upon (laughs). It almost became a religion.

    So, more than anything: know your body, please! Watch what goes better and worse! And what time too. Often, a food goes wrong at one time and not at another. This happens because the organs are more active at certain times. Chinese Medicine explains this as well.

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