The cosmic clock according to Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a type of alternative medicine with a holistic approach that focuses on treating people, not diseases. In the past, the peoples of the East relied on intuition and the act of observing certain features of the organism – points that have been studied over the years and that are currently of great value in various types of treatments.

You may have heard of the “internal biological clock”, right? It is nothing more than our circadian cycle, which consists of a mechanism in the body by which the human organism "adjusts" between day and night. From this cycle, the physiological actions of the body are triggered so that the body feels hungry, manages to wake up from sleep, feels sleepy, among others.

With modern life, this biological clock is increasingly undergoing changes - which facilitates the emergence of diseases such as depression and anxiety. This body mechanism is regulated by light or darkness (day and night): in our brain, there is a set of nerves called the “suprachiasmatic nucleus”, which is above the pituitary gland, in the hypothalamus, and which is what dictates the biological rhythm of the body. our organism.

Have you ever noticed that, at a specific time, your mood, energy or any other factor that alters your mood fluctuates? As each organ reaches an energy peak throughout the day, it is important to understand how our internal biological clock works, so that we can level our energies and avoid possible diseases.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the human body exchanges energy between organs in a period of two hours, that is, every two hours, one organ passes energy to another. Analyzing these facts in more depth, it is possible to discover the best times for certain actions, such as eating, sleeping, interacting with people, working, among others - and thus the cosmic clock originates, which shows us the energy peaks that our body experiences during the day.

Here are the three cycles that our body goes through daily:

  1. Elimination cycle (XNUMX am to noon): During this period, our body eliminates toxins. For this reason, many people sweat excessively or wake up from sleep with bad breath. It is indicated that, during this time, light foods are ingested, such as fruits, salads, juices, among others.
  2. Appropriation cycle (from noon to 20 pm): at that time, the organism is focused on digestion and the body is on full alert. Therefore, the body's peak energy is at its maximum: everything you ingest will be absorbed easily and quickly.
  3. Assimilation cycle (from 20 pm to XNUMX am): this is the period of revitalization, renewal and healing of the organism. Here the body works to absorb all the nutrients from food, in order to strengthen the body.

Check the period of the biological clock according to Traditional Chinese Medicine and find out when each part of your body receives a greater load of energy:

3 am to 5 am – Lungs

The lungs are the first organ to receive energy, as they are responsible for carrying air throughout the body. The best time to meditate, that is, work your breath and exercise your self-knowledge, is from 3 am to 5 pm. If you program yourself carefully, you can do this and then go back to sleep.

5h Ă s 7h - Large intestine

If you work or study, you are likely to wake up in that time frame. At this point, your large intestine is at its energetic peak, ready to release the toxins that are accumulating in your body and spirit. So, encourage your body to go to the bathroom after waking up, at that time, and realize the difference it will make in your day.

7h as 9h – Estômago

The cosmic clock according to Chinese medicine
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

After waking up, the next step is to have breakfast. Doing this in the period from 7 am to 9 am is a way to enjoy the energy peak of this organ, which will have the ability to digest what you are consuming and bring energy to your entire body. Try eating at this time and see how you will have more energy throughout the day.

9 am to 11 am – Spleen

The spleen is the organ in the body that will transform all the food you have consumed into energy, working in partnership with the stomach. It reaches its energetic peak just after the stomach, so if you miss the time, you still have some time to feed and keep your spirits up for a busy day.

11 am to 13 pm – Heart

The lunch period can bring you a sudden sleep, right? That desire to lie down, doing nothing, just waiting for the day to pass. This happens because, at this time, it is your heart that reaches its energetic peak. It will work much better if you are calm, with a normal heart rate, without major emotions. It's a time to relax and leave tensions for later.

13pm to 15pm – Small intestine

The cosmic clock according to Chinese medicine
Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis / Unsplash

Although this period is still associated with lunch, it is essential that you avoid activities that require a lot of physical effort. In this period of time, the organ that is receiving the most energy is the small intestine, which carries out the digestion process. So you need to eat properly and rest, to ensure that your digestion takes place in the best possible way, without making you tired.

15pm to 17pm – Bladder

After drinking water all day, eating well and resting at the right times, you can focus on activities that require more effort and more attention. With the energies directed to your bladder, you will realize that you can perform numerous tasks with commitment and dedication, but it is essential that your body is hydrated for this. Don't leave that sip of water for later.

17pm to 19pm – Kidneys

As soon as your body is intensely dedicated to a task, it will naturally need to rest. This is also reflected in his cosmic clock. After your bladder gets a lot of energy, your kidneys will get it. It's your body telling you it's time to clean up inside you and it's time to start slowing down. However, if you need energy for a longer period of time, enjoy a savory food.

19pm to 21pm – Pericardium

The cosmic clock according to Chinese medicine
Jonathan Borba / Unsplash

At night, the part of your body that receives the most energy is the pericardium. You should take advantage of this moment for activities that involve relationships of affection, love and passion. Use this period to go out with friends, to play with your children, to enjoy your love or to do an activity that brings you great pleasure. Remember to choose tasks that don't require as much energy, because your body just wants to relax.

21pm to 23pm – Triple Warmer Meridian

The name may seem very big and complex, after all, we don't have an organ in the body that bears that name. This happens because, at this time, many organs receive energy to protect themselves from negative vibrations and to organize themselves for the period of sleep. So drowsiness can start to invade your body in that time frame.

23pm to 1am – Gallbladder

With all the energies directed towards the gallbladder, you will feel very unwell and, above all, sleepy. You'll notice that your body isn't just slowing down, it's practically begging for sleep. It is important that you give in to this stimulus and let your body rest after a long day.

1 am to 3 am – Liver

The liver is an important organ for detoxifying your entire body, preparing it for a new day. However, it can only reach peak energy if you are at rest, sleeping. So, during this time, encourage your body to fall asleep, even if it's with the help of meditation or essential oils. So your body can restructure itself.

Does the cosmic clock have any scientific proof?

Traditional western medicine considers that the main clock of the human body works from the light-dark system. When dawn breaks, the hormone cortisol is released, bringing energy to the body. However, with dusk, melatonin, known as the sleep hormone, begins to be produced, stimulating the body to rest.

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Thus, there is no western scientific proof that there is a cosmic clock. Even so, this is a way of analyzing the organism that is valid for traditional Chinese medicine and that can bring many benefits to your daily life.

How did the Chinese cosmic clock come about?

The cosmic clock theory, as it is called, has no known origin. Despite this, it is used by traditional Chinese medicine as a way to treat problems in numerous organs, from alternative therapies and medicinal plants, which would have their power of action expanded with the energy concentration in each organ.

Learning about the Chinese cosmic clock is one way to learn how your body works and how it connects with the energies that the universe emanates. Investigate every organ in your body, understand the effect it has on your mood and sleep, and develop a routine that best suits what your body needs.

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