the clock runs

    the clock runs

    The period is approaching when the clock seems to run faster and time causes us a certain anxiety. We try in every way to hurry, but as we proceed, we have the impression that time is running even faster.

    Most of us do not live intensely in the present, because we are fixated on the future. Our schedule is always full and we plan life with a long time ahead, then, with the arrival of the last month of the year, we want to solve everything we haven't been able to until then.

    Everything in life follows a calendar, and so we live tied to it, trying to solve problems and meet goals that were idealized just before the beginning of the year. Goals that reach everyone, from political power through its bodies to those who have little to manage.

    But approaching the end of a year also has its good side, which is that we review what we did wrong to correct in the next period, and also what we failed to do that was beneficial for ourselves or for others. This also applies to public administration at all levels.

    There in the Gospel it says that we will be held accountable for what we have done wrong, but it also says that we will be responsible for all the good that we fail to do. So it's not enough to be correct, pray, say prayers or prayers if we don't practice charity towards our neighbor.

    We often fail to achieve goals set due to lack of time to plan them. This happens because we always leave the review of what we need to do until the last days of the year. So maybe now we can start thinking about the goals to be achieved in 2022!

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    It is certain that it will be a totally different year, as we are already being victorious by surviving a most devastating pandemic, but on the other hand, we present ourselves with a heavy heart to see that so many of our brothers have disincarnated.

    But in life we ​​have to look ahead and walk. This is what the Creator expects of us, because we came to the world to win despite the countless difficulties, which are part of each one of us in the deserved proportion.

    Let us try to put God in our goals and have faith that we will be helped.

    Energy to everyone.

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