The challenge of living with the unknown that lives inside you and with the people we love – Moment of Reflection in the face of the Corona Virus

During this moment of confinement due to the Coronavirus in Spain, with the discussions of what to do or not and the fact of staying at home or continuing the life I led are doubts that have permeated the lives of the Spanish and other people in the world, changing the routine of each one and creating the need to adapt to this new scenario.

The number of consultations with complementary therapies has increased exponentially, as has the common sense to help needy people in support groups, setting up several hours of service in search of people's well-being and balance.

Now, dear reader, what are the big questions that haunt the Spanish people? Review the alternatives below:

The challenge of living with the unknown that lives inside you and with the people we love – Moment of Reflection in the face of the Corona Virus
123RF / Katarzyna Białasiewicz

( ) O Coronavirus;

( ) The financial imbalance;

( ) Insecurity in face of the new situation experienced;

( ) To politics;

( ) The media;

( ) Living with people who live among themselves;

( ) Living with oneself.

It is clear that the first 5 (five) alternatives have great weight, but whoever chose the last two options was precisely right, as they total more than 95% (ninety-five percent) of the assistance provided.

People are discovering their children, partners, friends and, above all, themselves. From my clients, I always heard them say that they didn't have time for different things, but now, with this availability, they are lost, not knowing how to deal with themselves and those around them.

When living with the other, they realize what irritates or how much bother each other, they have discovered or assumed the relationships in which there was dissatisfaction. Fidelity, for example, is another point that comes to the fore, sex with the partner and/or lack thereof, intolerance with children, it is as if possibilities arise and some of them generate many conflicts.

And how many people you know or even yourself, impatient due to quarantine and with the care and guidance received, stay at home?

But the great discovery is not knowing how to deal with who you are or not understanding what you want and what you need, clients who are getting to know themselves, with the most diverse reactions, such as: anger, sadness, joy, envy, escape and the biggest one of them is the DISCOVERY of himself and/or the DISCOVERY of others who live with him.

before the quarantine

The challenge of living with the unknown that lives inside you and with the people we love – Moment of Reflection in the face of the Corona Virus
123RF/Eric Nopanen

This moment brought to light the way we have lived our lives, almost always in the following order: we attend to urgent obligations (work, family and everyday life); then, we attend to pleasure and, who knows, we take care of ourselves, dreams, goals and objectives (which, in some cases, were left for later).

When something tired or made the environment boring, people left the house, went to the mall, took courses, traveled, danced, went to the gym, socialized with other people, etc.

At this moment, however, it is not possible, as most places are closed!

And you can't distract or run away from who you live with and yourself!

You are watching something or you are “resting”, there is someone looking for you and talking or even you are entering your thoughts and feelings out of balance, fighting or shutting up, whatever you feel.

The result of all this is having to face yourself and those close to you who reside with you.

humor roller coaster

The challenge of living with the unknown that lives inside you and with the people we love – Moment of Reflection in the face of the Corona Virus
Unsplash/Danielle MacInnes

And when the customer seeks service, it's like experiencing a roller coaster of humor, he woke up well, fought with the family, got sad, ate and was happy, argued on social media, got angry, looked at the neighbor from the window making a barbecue and you were jealous, the son disappeared inside the house and you felt scared, the son was found under the double bed eating candy and you were relieved, you thought about what you want to do, but you took no action; so he got stressed and so he locked himself in the bathroom to have time for himself, but he was bothered by his thoughts. In this ups and downs of feelings, with sudden mood swings, people have been going through this period which I call a mood roller coaster.

When you're mood swings often, there comes a point where no one can stand it and neither can you and it's exhausting to live like this, I know we all have changes, but living in an ups and downs or in a loop is unproductive and stressful.

So, the person or his family looks for a professional to help at this moment in a harmonious way.

Law of frequency or vibration

The challenge of living with the unknown that lives inside you and with the people we love – Moment of Reflection in the face of the Corona Virus
Unsplash/Annika Palmari

If you are like this, take a deep breath, because there is a solution. There is a Hawkins scale, which I used a lot in daily practices, when I understood that I needed to raise my frequency to achieve what I wanted and be a better me.

Next, on a Hawkins scale:

The challenge of living with the unknown that lives inside you and with the people we love – Moment of Reflection in the face of the Corona Virus

Today, I teach my clients to understand what goes on inside each one so that they have their vibrational frequencies high.

After all, what is the Law of Frequency? I like to use the metaphor of Radio, if you tune into a radio that only plays international music on frequency xx and another that plays Spanish music on frequency yy, you will not be able to hear Spanish music on frequency xx and vice versa, as they are tuned to different frequencies, ie xx will ALWAYS play international music and yy will ALWAYS play Spanish music.

And how do I find out what my frequency is? The secret is: what are you feeling right now!

Stop and notice what you feel: joy, sadness, anger, love, anxiety, optimism, depression, peace… among others.

Its frequency works in the same way as the radio, look at the scale and understand what you feel and what you think. The scale has a range from 20 to 1000 hertz; if you have a low frequency, your vibration is negative, you must raise your frequency and vibrate above 350 hertz and always go up.

There are a few steps that I will go through here for you.


Now that you know all this, you stopped, looked at the scale and saw that you are feeling anxious and it is vibrating at 100 hertz, what to do?!

The first step you have already taken, which was to identify the feeling and/or thought.

The second step is to stop, take a deep breath and release the air, very slowly, do this at least 3 (three times)!

Breathing works a lot, but calm down, there's more.

The cat jump

The third step is VERY IMPORTANT, because through it it will be possible to improve your feeling in face of the experienced reality. Remember a happy memory of your life, the image of someone you love and welcome that moment to the now and feel everything as if it were real, smell it, touch it, if you taste it, hear the words of encouragement, visualize all very realistically.

It is important to emphasize that they should always be positive thoughts, do not seek moments of humiliation or setback, as this will bring you some negative feeling, sensation or image and will not be effective.

Then, feel what your emotion is and realize if it has changed, changing and rising, your frequency needs to create and maintain necessary actions, so you don't fall into the same mistake.

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Tips on how to turn off what changes your frequency

The challenge of living with the unknown that lives inside you and with the people we love – Moment of Reflection in the face of the Corona Virus
Unsplash/Annie Spratt

Some constant situations have worsened socializing with other people. Below is a list to minimize the roller coaster of feelings. Use it wisely at this time to maintain emotional balance, good relationships with the people you love, and a better relationship with yourself.

I have noticed people reacting in a very altered way to some everyday situations, which lowers the frequency they vibrate. Check if any of these alternatives affect you:

  • Watch all the news on television or even on internet channels. I understand that you need to have information, but do you need so much different or repetitive information about the same fact? Seek information from official bodies and maybe limiting yourself to just one program is a good measure, to keep your energy high. Good news is also always welcome, Eu Sem Fronteiras is a wonderful example of well-being and personal development, look for what is good.
  • Dealing with Family, Friends, Neighbors, Acquaintances, Social Networks, WhatsApp groups etc. who have opinions different from yours. On this occasion, when you are already in an oscillating mood, when you live with people whose opinions differ from yours, you open your social networks and realize that they are full of discouraging news, images that, for you, are offensive and even ideas different from yours, there is a high possibility that your frequency will drop. I understand that everyone has their opinion about what is happening and I know that having your voice heard is very important, because we are different and thinking beings, after all, we want to better understand and deal with all the circumstances of the present moment. You will have fights at home, you will be excluded from social networks, you will be blocked on WhatsApp and even removed from some groups, as the people you have argued with will probably continue to have the same opinions.

Will all this make you happy?

The challenge of living with the unknown that lives inside you and with the people we love – Moment of Reflection in the face of the Corona Virus
Unsplash / Toa Heftiba

In this item, I want to point out that if you are in quarantine and, in addition to internal issues of a personal nature, you have brought external differences to the relationship with the people you live with, the situation becomes very challenging. I understand that you have your opinion and that, at times, without realizing it, the other seeks us to fight or we seek the other to discuss for different causes. Then one of the two gets tired and there is no way out of where they are. And when it stays like that, the frequency will be low.

It may be that you have strengthened your relationship, hit the right path, to move more easily in family life, or even have the understanding that maintaining the relationship in the current way is unsatisfactory, you may have the time to make your decision and generate a change in your life.

The same happens with Social Networks and WhatsApp when we see that, when our frequency is low, what bothers you the most is what you don't like. If you feel like it's too challenging to deal with all of this, do something different if possible.

People who use social networks to publicize their work, keep double this care, as I performed calls to people who sought other professionals due to divergences of personal opinions viewed on social networks and WhatsApp.

New possibilities

The challenge of living with the unknown that lives inside you and with the people we love – Moment of Reflection in the face of the Corona Virus
Unsplash / Toa Heftiba

If right now you have the opportunity to get withdrawn, now is the time to make it happen. With the high frequency, the moment is one of dedication to make your dreams come true. For all of this to happen, I have created a list of new possibilities to experience, look for the ones that please you. If you're with your family, do what you can with them.

  • A good start is to have goals and objectives, list your dreams and understand what steps are needed to make them come true;
  • Put into practice what is possible from your step by step to dreams. What I'm going to do is now;
  • Be aware of your resistances, you want something badly, but you don't want to do what needs to be done to make it happen. Action needs to exist to generate results or maybe you realize it's not what you want;
  • Work even at home, every day I have different jobs here;
  • If you are looking for a new profession or a new direction, see what you like and research, study and question professionals in the area of ​​interest;
  • Organize your finances, realize what your priorities are or even seek guidance from a professional to deal with this moment;
  • If it's possible for you, reach out to the people you love and see if they need help;
  • And the reverse is true if it's too challenging for you; offer your services as you can and open the game if you need help;
  • If you are with the family, establish ways of communicating to have your moment and do it for those who live with you;
  • If you are alone, chat with others online, gather family or friends and have constant virtual contacts;
  • Listen to different songs, you can even search for binaural songs to raise your frequency;
  • Organize and clean your environment;
  • Let go of what doesn't serve and what you don't use;
  • Dance, sing, play or exercise with your family;
  • Have fun, if you like, listen or tell jokes. Laughing makes everything lighter;
  • Cook something different;
  • Fix broken things if you have this gift;
  • Study! Whatever you want, a language, a profession or a hobby;
  • Rediscover yourself, what you like or what you don't like;
  • Get out of your comfort zone, do something very different from what you're used to, I know you'll think of something;
  • Meditate;
  • Read a book, or several;
  • Write a story or even your own;
  • Take care of your body and your image, for pleasure;
  • Give thanks and unite the family to give thanks, it can be in a notebook, or at the meal table, or in the way you feel it suits you. But take a moment in your day to practice Gratitude;
  • Connect to your feelings, look inside and discover who you are daily.

Of course, like all teaching, some will work for you and some won't; in the end, everything is always right.

The quote from the book “The Wizard of Oz”, by Lyman Frank Baum, in which Dorothy Gale says: “There is no place like home”, is emblematic and reflects the current reality, as it reflects much more than the environment you live in, as the house or home has always been inside you, inside your heart and never outside.

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