The challenge of becoming whole

    Throughout our lives, we incessantly seek to find something and/or someone that fills us, that fills the void we feel. We struggle, we suffer, we are disappointed. And with each disappointment we wonder where we went wrong. We blame ourselves, we blame the other and we continue our search, which seems to have no end.

    Such happiness seems very complicated. We are usually happy in one department of our lives but unhappy in another. At other times, we thought we had found the right path, but we were wrong.

    We feel that people don't understand us, that they are selfish, that they only think about themselves and, in the end, it is impossible to be happy.

    Society charges us too much. We have to be good students, good workers, good children, good companions, good friends, good parentsโ€ฆ we have to be good at everything! And when we do everything for someone, for that job, for that situation, we are not recognized!

    Do you know why all this happens in our life? Because we are half people.

    And what would a half person be? The half person is the one who, despite thinking he gave his all, didn't give anything. And do you know why? Because you gave yourself expecting a return, and that's not love.

    Love is giving without waiting for the other to respond to your ideals. To love is to provide happiness and to be happy just with the act. To really love is to understand that each human being is unique, and each one can only give what he has.

    The challenge of becoming wholeThe half person needs the external to have inner peace. It needs reassurance, recognition, applause. He needs all his wishes met and he gets frustrated and suffers when they aren't. The half person will never be happy, because his happiness does not depend on her, but on the other.

    Becoming whole is a challenge. It's learning, slowly and steadily, that happiness can only be found within ourselves. That as long as we are not happy alone, we will never be with someone. We are solely responsible for what happens in our lives, both the good and the bad. Everything we have was and will always be attracted by what we transmit and by our actions, especially in situations that we don't like.

    To become whole is to accept the God in us. It's not letting what comes from outside disharmonize us. It is knowing yourself, accepting your imperfections and working to improve them. It means respecting the other, understanding that everyone has limitations and, above all, learning the true meaning of the word love.

    Is that you? Is it a half person?

    A great week of reflection for all of us!

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