The Black Box is Meat

We are the sum of all our thoughts and emotions. The brain is a small part of our body, but with a processing capacity greater than any computer ever made. And it is he who decides whether we will be happy or sad, good or bad with life. Human mutability is an exact copy of what happens in our brain, which is not something that is ready and finished. This wonderful machine is a mysterious black box.

We carry in our body a center that generates electromagnetic waves provided by the activity of neurons, which modify our frequencies generated by internal activity and are directly related to changes in states of consciousness. These frequencies appear at various levels, as the brain is constantly adapting to the various tasks we perform on a daily basis. This machine is miraculous, but it does not work alone.

For a long time it was believed that it was only our brain that created our reality. Currently, we are beginning to learn that our heart, like the black box, is also an electromagnetic center. What's more, the heart generates 1000 times more electrical frequencies and 5000 times more magnetic frequencies than the brain. Thus, our conscious mind, in our brain, is responsible for our thoughts and the heart for our feelings.

Our subconscious keeps records of emotional memories, but it is the heart that generates the emotions itself. Thoughts are only half the formula. The other

it's in the emotions. If we join the brain with the heart, the thought with the emotion, we create an intention or feeling. These, in turn, have the power to change the structure of an atom and even the behavior of universal energy. In other words, the substance of everything is directly linked to the substance of thoughts and emotions.

The Black Box is Meat
Photo by Kat Jayne at Pexels

As we consciously or unconsciously choose the feelings we want to experience, we choose our reality. We are only victims of our own structural and existential ignorance. We assume a role of social and ecological responsibility, as we learn to align our reality with the Universal Harmonic Standard. And the key that changes everything is the Heart.

However, to access the power of the Key that changes everything, that is, our heart, it is necessary to correct the vibrational pattern of our brain, to dissolve the barriers we create throughout life, changing the way we interpret the internal and external universe. . I'm talking about our memories. They shape our beliefs, which underlie our limits. Hence the name Limiting Beliefs.

We learned that we are victims of the environment and that we are too small to generate changes on a small and large scale. But, as we saw earlier, this is a big lie. There is an intelligent field within and around us that, when we connect, access information about us and the entire universe. Because we are the Universe. Subconscious beliefs block everything. And they are not ours.

Do you know what feelings the world leads us to experience every day? They are innumerable. The question for getting rid of the limits generated by the beliefs we have inherited is: how do we evaluate these feelings? What we normally do is judge them. And that's the beginning of a string of mistakes, because we usually run away from what we've learned is far from our reach. By judging it as a limit, a blockage, an impediment, we run away and convert this experience into myriads of repressed feelings. The problem is that these feelings always look for a way to express themselves, generating repetitive patterns.

The Black Box is Meat
Photo by George Shervashidze no Pexels

We generate around 66.000 thoughts a day and only 5% happen consciously. Observing without judging how we feel and react to our reality is the first step in expanding our consciousness. In doing so, we will inevitably change. When we learn, we generate new brain synapses and assume a new attitude towards life. We open ourselves to new interpretations.

A technique that I really like to use is an ancient technique, well known in witch stories. The laugh. Everyone has heard and seen a witch giving that dark and funny laugh. This is what we will do when faced with these feelings. We will look at them with the understanding that fear, pain, or the tendency to run away are just interpretations based on other people's beliefs that we absorb over a lifetime. If it's not mine, why should I take it seriously? Have a nice laugh at the feeling and realize what it's teaching you. Watch yourself!

If we create this feeling we can dissolve it! Look at your reaction to the feeling and say to yourself: Stop! I'm bigger than that. Your mind influences your body, but your body also influences your mind. Generate behaviors contrary to feelings and soon your mind will change. And when they change, our inner and outer universes follow the vibratory flow.

In what tune do we vibrate every day? We can generate our own vibrations based on our interpretation of reality, what resonates with other people, or by resonating a vibration of other people. This is because, as we are all one, all the information that I carry is also present in you. What changes is the interpretation.

The Black Box is Meat
Image from Free-Photos by Pixabay

If I give off a vibration of fear, it resonates with you, because fear is also present in your electromagnetic field. If I resonate within the Universal Harmonic Pattern, it also resonates with you, for everything there carries that pattern. And that's always a choice.

We need to learn to stay connected to the Harmonic Matrix, because within this pattern no negativity enters. Everything is precious, positive information, coming and going. So it's always positive. When we feel this resonance in our bodies, we directly affect people who are open to harmonic resonance in their fields.

But the practice of connecting to this Matrix is ​​not an evening or morning prayer of gratitude. It is a continuous state of self-observation. You are your own teacher. Your own Master. Nobody can teach you what you can teach yourself. What we are doing here is bringing a language for self-knowledge. But there are many others. What we are remembering is that: We are everything we look for and desire! We are perfect!

We live in a field of infinite possibilities with myriads of small fields, like each of us, creating and resonating all the time. We are All in All. We are the All in everything. We already know that our thoughts and emotions program our reality. But there is a third item to include in our electromagnetic creation tools. The Sound Frequencies.

The Black Box is Meat
StockSnap Image by Pixabay

In our mother's womb, the sound, the vibration of her voice, her heart rate, her emotional waves, the orchestra of her functioning organs, of the cells that are born and die were our first contact with the vibrational richness of the outside world. . Sound Frequencies are the raw material with which we create our library of memories, we internalize scales of emotions and generate the first patterns of our emotional intelligence, storing and building knowledge based on the intonations and expressions used by our parents and caregivers, thus building the structure of our emotional lexicon. Everything generates waves, reaction, vibration.

It is said that DNA determines how our mind and body will develop. This means that, according to this theory, there is a determinism that escapes our free choice. However, we already know that we can reprogram DNA molecules with the conscious will, through sound vibrations.

Modern physics shows us that the structure of the Universe is made up of Vibrational Strings that express themselves as energy. The vibrational velocity determines whether this energy appears in physical, liquid, gaseous and other non-visible states. Everything we see and call reality is just a reading, an interpretation of these vibrational states. Everything is generated, initially, by inaudible vibrations that, when walking towards manifestation, become perceptible. We conclude that everything has its particular frequency that maintains its shape. Changed frequency, changed shape.

Do you know what Epigenetics is? In a practical way, it is the science that looks for the flow of conscious energy that activates our DNA and the way it expresses itself. DNA is a molecule made of subatomic particles. It is a storage center for biological information and protein encodings that perform the functions of life. And epigenetics says that the environment, or energy field, that we develop, intracellular influences and our field can determine who we are or will be.

The Black Box is Meat
Image by StanWilliamsPhoto by Pixabay

Thus, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, attitudes, cellular influences, organs and systems activate our DNA, both positively and negatively. All imbalance arises when our atoms vibrate at unhealthy frequencies. When we vibrate in fear, for example, this information is sent to our body through our cell membrane, travels to the cell nucleus and enters the chromosome, activating a specific part of the DNA strand. Our genes then communicate instructions to our cells based on the initial information.

DNA is a kind of biological quantum computer that connects heart energies. The heart is the access center for superconscious information that is connected to the universal harmonic pattern. Then it absorbs that information and ties it to our DNA. We do this through meditation, prayer and conscious intention. It is only by perceiving how he behaves in the face of different situations and emotions that we will perceive his vibrational oscillations. Once the DNA absorbs the initial information it expands.

The most interesting thing about all this is that the vibrational patterns of our thoughts and emotions can be translated by sound frequencies. Sound is the universal raw material. The Fabric of Reality is vibrational. Therefore, when we generate vibrations, we interact and influence this tissue. Only 3% of people actually decide to create a limitless reality. The remaining 97% remain dormant in victimism, exposed to political, social, religious and moral manipulations.

This is because indecision is a habit that usually starts in adolescence and youth. The System we live in does not encourage us to decide to be free. But depending. According to Einstein, the rational mind is a faithful servant. We created a society of servants and not of determined creators. Life only opens up unconditionally when we make a real decision. But this is only possible when we know what we want. And we don't know what we want because we always look for what we don't want. we complain. And complaining creates a time loop making our lives go round in circles. However, when we change the way we see something, that something is transformed. If you know what you don't want, you know what you want. He's just very used, trained to always look from the same angle.

The Black Box is Meat
Image of Irina L by Pixabay

We need to learn to stay aligned with the Universal Harmonic Pattern. There are several techniques that help us. But we hardly stay aligned all day, and most treatments usually last for months and even years.

Four years ago I discovered centuries-old studies on the power of sound frequencies and began to delve into this fascinating universe. After countless theoretical and practical research, full of mistakes and successes, I developed Soma Florals. I started testing myself and my partner and then we set out to use this tool of light in our emotional transmutation sessions with effective and lasting results.

Sound Flowers accelerate the process of brain reprogramming, canceling limiting synapses and connecting us with the Unlimited Universe of our true Essence. These Resonance frequencies change our vibrational pattern, lowering the guard of our egoic consciousness and causing us to access the subconscious with all its infinite potential.

Ancient cultures around the world already knew that sound, vibration and frequency are powerful forces that influence life down to the cellular level. Pythagoras prescribed music as medicine, stating that musical intervals are clear expressions of the sacred geometry and behavior of the universe.

The Black Box is Meat
Photo by Spencer Imbrock according to Unsplash

In 1934, Doctor Raymond Rife treated a group of terminally ill cancer patients with Sound Frequencies for 90 days. After the treatment period, 86,5% had been completely cured. The treatment was then adjusted and the remaining 13,5% also reacted within the next 4 weeks. The total recovery rate using Rife's technology was 100%.

In 1981, biologist Helene Grimal partnered with composer Fabien Maman to study the relationship of sound waves to living cells. And she found that cancer cells cannot maintain their structure when specific frequencies of sound waves attack the cytoplasmic and nuclear membranes. When the rate of vibration increases, cells cannot adapt or stabilize and die, disintegrating and exploding.

Healing information can be carried by both chemistry and vibration. The difference is that chemical reactions transfer only about 2% of the information – 98% dissipates as heat loss. Information transmitted by frequency and vibration pass practically 100% of the information.

Sound Resonance Flowers are part of this worldwide process of developing the conscious use of the power of sound frequencies. There is still a lot to be discovered, but what we propose, that is, to do neural reprogramming and emotional transmutation, the results are fast, effective and accurate.

It works as follows: two distinct frequencies are arranged for each cerebral hemisphere, forcing the natural creation of a third frequency, which is the one that will align us with our harmonic goal. In other words, we reprogram our brain, generating a new vibratory pattern, while we rest or even sleep. It's all based on a deep study of physical, emotional, mental, energetic, neuroscience and quantum physics anatomies. Today we dedicate our journey to traveling the country sharing this knowledge in our formations, but we had to stop in front of the current world scenario.

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In view of the vibratory pattern of fear vibrating in the collective unconscious due to the new coronavirus, I decided to make a free Anti Fear Sound Floral that dissolves this frequency of insecurity and panic, strengthens lung functions, increases the vibratory pattern and the immune system. To use it is very simple. Download the file on your cell phone, put on the headphones respecting the correct side of the headphones, relax and let your brain do the work. That's right. Just relax.

A very strong fear thought form is circulating and we need to change this vibrational pattern. Share this floral to as many people as you can. It is a very powerful tool for us to create a new thought form called Source Love. Let's learn together that everything that enters our field is precious information. What can this scenario teach us?

We are perfect. We just need to dissolve the emotional limits that we create throughout life and that prevent us from going beyond our uncomfortable armchair of existential conformism. All the answers are in the silence of your subconscious. Access them!

See you in the series As Sete Chaves da Caixa Preta.

Kisses from Light and see you later.

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