Diet tips for people with dengue

    Diet tips for people with dengue

    High fever, headaches, back and joint pain… These can be signs of someone who has dengue. The campaigns against dengue are having an effect and fortunately people are taking the necessary precautions to prevent themselves against the mosquito. But if you or someone you know still happens to experience symptoms, run to the doctor for a diagnosis as soon as possible. If, in the worst case scenario, dengue is confirmed, face the treatment positively and have the discipline to take the medicine and take proper care with your health. And speaking of discipline, discipline with food can also help in the recovery of those who got the disease.

    First, hydration must be constant. So drinking water throughout the day often is essential for recovery. Coconut water can also be a good option. Doctors also recommend a diet rich in iron during treatment. Therefore, try to include vegetables in your meals (especially those with dark green leaves), such as broccoli and cabbage, as well as other foods rich in iron such as tofu, beans, cooked lentils, peas, dried apricots and figs.

    To help with the absorption of iron, vitamin C is another important item in the diet. Fruits like oranges and pineapples are rich in this vitamin. Whether eating fruits, or in the form of juices, try to keep this vitamin high in your body.

    Now regarding the restrictions, ASBRAN (Spanish Nutrition Association) guides that some foods should be avoided. Foods containing salicylates should be restricted, for example: plums, blackberries, potatoes, lemons, apples, nuts, cucumbers, peaches, peppers and tomatoes.

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    This article aims to instruct on some basic food tips for those who have dengue, but we always recommend consulting a doctor so that he can monitor the state of health and be able to indicate other basic care to be taken. We wish everyone who is in this situation to recover well and to you who read this article, always take good care of your health!

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