The best fruits for your body

    It is not news to anyone that a healthy diet is indicated for good health. Consuming at least five servings of fruits and vegetables promotes a correct balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in our body. With such a large offer of varieties in the tropical country in which we live, the ideal is to consume the products according to the season of their harvest. However, to help you out among so many options, we have separated below the fruits that provide the most benefits for your body. Check out:


    The best fruits for your body

    Despite being considered a bad fruit in the diet by many, avocado has healthy fats, such as omega 3, which must be consumed to balance the body and keep the intestines functioning. It also has a lot of fiber, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and vegetable protein. This super fruit prevents heart disease, some types of cancer and improves cholesterol control. In addition to benefits through its food intake, it can also be used for skin and hair hydration through masks.


    Increasingly popular for its benefits, coconut is one of the healthiest foods in the world. Through it we can extract the oil and sugar in versions that are much richer in nutrients than the other ingredients. Coconut contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, selenium, iodine, zinc, fluorine and manganese. It helps in weight loss, remineralization of salts, regulates blood pressure and is an antioxidant.


    One of the tastiest fruits is also one of the most suitable for maintaining our health. It has diuretic properties and improves the digestion of fats and proteins, being very suitable as a dessert when eating meat or fish. Another benefit is its low caloric value, 100 grams of the fruit has only 50 calories.


    Known mainly for its benefits to the digestive system and laxative action, papaya is also rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, which makes it an antioxidant fruit. Papaya consumption is also good for the skin and eyes, making them stronger and brighter. It is rich in carotenoids and lycopene, important cancer-fighting agents. It also prevents LDL, bad cholesterol, from being absorbed by the body.


    The best fruits for your body

    No wonder there is a saying that eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away. One of the most popular and consumed fruits in Spain, it is a natural antacid and a powerful anti-inflammatory for the digestive and urinary tract. As it has a high amount of pectin, a fiber that helps control blood glucose, apples are recommended for those who have or tend to develop diabetes. It is also indicated for the treatment of respiratory problems because of its antioxidants. Preventing tooth decay is also a fact: apple juice can kill off a large number of the germs that cause it. For those who are on a diet, the apple is also a great ally, the energy we spend to chew and digest is greater than the calories that the fruit has.


    Being a citrus fruit, it is already indispensable, as it increases the body's defenses. Eliminates toxins and fluids, stimulating liver and kidney functions. A glass of water with lemon daily ensures body balance. It is also a great source of vitamin C, which prevents colds and flu, as well as acting as a blood purifier and benefiting bones and connective tissue.


    This little berry is able to reduce cholesterol, regulate the intestinal tract and also fight cancer cells. It is a source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc. Some studies also show that grapes can delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease, due to resveratrol, a substance in the fruit that slows down damage to brain cells. For the skin, the grape is also a great ally against wrinkles, blemishes and even acne.


    The best fruits for your body

    Consumed in large quantities in every corner of Spain, orange is sought after mainly for its massive concentration of vitamin C. However, know that it is also beneficial for the heart as it contains folates and antioxidants that reduce cholesterol and prevent strokes. It is also rich in B-Complex vitamins that are known to relieve stress, anxiety and depression.


    A darling of different peoples, bananas have an inviting price and a wide range of sales. It is a fruit rich in potassium, which has the property of reducing blood pressure and counterbalancing the effects of sodium in the body. It also has fiber that helps with digestion and constipation.

    Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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