The benefits of rain for spiritual cleansing

What do you feel when you hear the sound of rain? Some people are scared, others are relaxed and there are those who run to get their clothes off the line. In other words, water falling from the sky can cause countless sensations and attitudes. Despite this, most of us avoid getting wet.

But did you know that a rain shower can be therapeutic? In addition, it can promote energetic and spiritual cleansing. If this is new to you, the content we have prepared will help you learn everything about the topic. Motivate yourself to wash your soul with nature!

Why is rain beneficial to us?

If you don't like rain because you're afraid of getting wet, it's time to open your mind to the benefits that this water offers. Check out each of them below!

1) Feeling of relaxation

Isn't it much easier to sleep with the pleasant sound of rain washing over your house? According to Fabio Porto, a neurologist at the Hospital das ClΓ­nicas at FMUSP, this happens because your brain associates water falling from the sky with positive memories you have.

The benefits of rain for spiritual cleansing
Getty Images / Canva

As a result, a state of relaxation is created that even helps you sleep better. It's like natural white noise, directing your attention to constant, lasting sound.

2) Ease of breathing

Saulo Freitas, an air pollution specialist at Cptec/Inpe, in an interview with G1, explains that rain removes pollutants from the atmosphere: "Depending on the weather, you have better ventilation of the atmosphere, more intense movements that will allow the amount of pollutants that were injected into the air to be quickly transported away from the city."

Thanks to this process, a person can breathe better, as the air becomes lighter. Even if you feel that the weather is too dry, you can keep a bucket of water next to your bed, which helps to increase the humidity in the air.

3) Increased vitality

Air molecules are composed of positive and negative ions. While positive ions are a result of air pollution, negative ions are produced by photosynthesis in plants. When it rains, negative ions are more intensely released into the air.

So the rain becomes a kind of vitamin for anyone who comes in contact with her. Negative ions increase a person's vitality, improving mood of it and increasing the disposition for the practice of physical exercises.

Rain bath for energetic and spiritual cleansing

Rain is formed from the vaporization of the sea, rivers and lakes. In this process, clouds appear in the sky and, when they are loaded with water, they break up into rain, cleaning the atmosphere.

While this is a physical process, there is also an energetic interpretation to it. symbolically, the rain performs an energetic and spiritual cleansing both in our thoughts and feelings and in our relationship with the world.

In a way, the density of clouds represents the bad vibes we give off, such as envy, rancor, resentment, sadness, and anger. It is as if these energies are always accumulating around us, albeit in an invisible way.

The benefits of rain for spiritual cleansing
Aleksandar Pasaric de Pexels / Canva

Fortunately, with a shower it is possible to dissolve the negativity that surrounds us. That's because the water will not only wash the air, but also everything in contact with it. It wouldn't be so bad to get wet with something like that, right?

AlΓ©m disso, taking a shower in the rain is an activity that puts us in front of what we are bringing to the world. Have our roles been fulfilled with positivity, optimism and gratitude or are we just adding up hate, negativity and stress? Exercise your spirituality with this questioning.

Considering the positive effects of a rain shower, you are likely to feel a lot of relief and lightness at the end of a storm. After all, all the heavy energies that were disturbing you, without you realizing it, left. Then a new cycle it starts.

Rain bath for therapeutic purposes

The cleaning effect of a rain shower is still enhanced with the therapeutic purposes it presents. It is evident that bathing with the water of the sky does not replace any type of psychological treatment, but it can be a complement, in some cases. Understand how it works:

1) Relief from stress and tension

The benefits of rain for spiritual cleansing
fizkes de Getty Images Pro / Canva

A rain shower is ideal for releasing stress and tension from the body. This is because cold water activates receptors in the skin, which send messages to the brain to calm the body and mind. Therefore, the rain shower can be an ally to alleviate stress, tension, anxiety and sadness.

2) Contact with nature

Contact with nature is always therapeutic. It helps us to look at the world more calmly, kindness and gratitude, connecting us with positive energies. In this way, the rain shower puts us in front of the water, which is synonymous with life. As a result of this, we increase optimism and willingness.

3) Rescue from the child's side

Have you noticed that everything is fun for kids? A rain shower can also be, even after growing. This is a way to spend time with yourself, laugh and forget about everyday problems. During the rain shower, you will remember the feeling of jumping into a different experience, without worrying.

How to take a rain shower safely

Now that you know all the benefits of taking a rain shower, it's important that you do it safely. See what our recommendations are:

1) Choose a light rain

The benefits of rain for spiritual cleansing
Olichel from pixabay / Canva

Although rain brings many benefits, it can trigger accidents. So only take a shower when it's raining a little. Storms are accompanied by lightning, which is a high risk to your health.

2) Stay in a safe place

It is essential to take a rain shower in a safe place. Be careful with slippery floors and uneven surfaces, because your moment of relaxation can turn into chaos.

3) Avoid drinking rainwater

As fun as it sounds, don't drink rainwater. As we live in polluted cities, rainwater is not drinkable and may contain chemical components that are harmful to the human body.

4) Enjoy a hot day

The benefits of rain for spiritual cleansing
mammuth de Getty Images Signature / Canva

To prevent your immune system from suffering from a cold shower, it is ideal that you take this shower on a hot day. Thus, it will be a refreshing experience and with little chance of leaving you cold afterwards.

5) Wear dry clothes

After the rain shower, dry yourself with a towel and put on dry clothes. It is essential that you do this to prevent your body from being cold for a long time, which can result in problems for your health.

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From the information presented, you already know how to take a shower that is beneficial for your body, mind and spirit. Take advantage of the next storm to renew yourself safely and responsibly, reaping everything that the sky can offer you positive. Cool off!

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