Jesus: the light of the world

    I am the light that came into the world so that everyone who believes in me will not remain in darkness.

    (John 12:46)

    As Governor of the Earth, Jesus, from the beginning of his creation, was already acting in the terrestrial Orb so that life could manifest itself. His ever-present magnanimity made possible through his love the growth of civilizations over time.

    In this process, he received the exiles from Capela, the brightest star in the Constellation of Cocheiro, who had reached a new stage of moral evolution. Those recalcitrant Spirits did not behave in a coherent way with the others who lived there. Thus, they could not remain there because of their vibratory conditions incompatible with the local psychosphere.

    This is how Jesus welcomed those suffering brothers so that they could evolve for their own benefit and still served the developing civilizations on Earth with his high knowledge. This “internship” was necessary, considering their pertinacity in continuing to direct their intelligence to the practice of evil.

    Jesus: the light of the world
    iStock / Pexels

    Reincarnation comes to us as a Divine gift for us to seek, through the improvement through existences, the due reparation. God with his infinite mercy forgives our faults as a just and good Father.

    Jesus brought us the Creator's thought and the way we should conduct ourselves with His blazing light and exemplary conduct. Our journey would not have these favorable conditions if we did not have the love of Christ always present to help us.

    At all times this infinite flame of benevolence will be available in the eternity of generations, and we, the beneficiaries that we are, must always attest to our gratitude as a memory of the heart.

    Jesus lived with us and experienced our weaknesses, but as the Pure Spirit he offered us the necessary help for our redemption. In Matthew 24:35 we find, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." In this statement, his “example” is included, which practically justifies everything he said.

    His truths, which are the only unquestionable ones, strengthen our Spirit, giving us the conviction and comfort that was offered to us in the Beatitudes, which are words of Faith and Hope. Jesus is the compass and light of our path. Following in their footsteps, we will arrive without the storms of the seas of life to the safe harbor that awaits us, full of Light and Peace.

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