The benefits of exercising in company

Starting to go to the gym is not always a very pleasant program. Facing a series of exercises in an environment that forces you, in a way, to get on the same wave as hundreds of people can both motivate and demotivate, in the face of the change you are looking for so much.

The truth is that when we start something, the coexistence with other individuals who do it, the same practice always brings that feeling of tranquility because we know that we are not alone in a new venture, because, in addition to having someone to share the pains and delights of physical activities, we also count on ear pulling at the time of laziness, with encouragement when thinking about giving up, stimuli that make the climate lighter, as it has to be for goals to be achieved.

If you still train alone and feel that your performance is not flowing in the desired way or you are getting results below expectations, the problem may be the lack of company, which is making you faint. So, if these are the dominant feelings at this stage of your life, try inviting a friend, a cousin or even your boyfriend to try the (not easy) task of exercising. Here are some reasons to exercise with someone:

Your friend will cheer you up 

On those days when all you ask for is bed and television, your partner can make the mood appear, leaving the softness aside. It's always nice to have someone more excited than you at this time. Having support of this kind is very important for staying firm on the goal.

company training 

A lot of people end up giving up or don't even start at the gym because they don't have anyone to go with, which is even more difficult for those who suffer from shyness. If this is your case, all the more reason to top your list! In pairs, situations happen more calmly, since one helps the other and, little by little, shame is being thrown to the side.

The benefits of exercising in company

high self-esteem

For couples on duty (and also for non-couples), there's nothing more pleasant than seeing your partner healthy and in shape, right? Keeping track of the other's progress makes both their self-esteem soar. Not to mention that, when we move the body, we don't just get healed, because the improvements appear in memory, in the reduction of anxiety and stress, among several other positive consequences.


Whether in any type of relationship - marriage, dating or friendship - spending time with someone you like, even if it's inside a gym, makes the approach grow and strengthen. This is natural. Talking about daily life, work, movies, series and various subjects enhances the relationship and the workout.

Double dose learning

Each one has its own rhythm and it is difficult to catch up with the other. But there is no need to worry, as we learn to work hard little by little. Union is a complement, which is no different when it comes to physical exercise. A double, at the time of practice, can bring new ideas to increase the sessions, using different executions until the step is right and is aligned between the two.

try new things

There are those who prefer the trivial, for fear of taking risks and doing stupid things. With a friend willing to face challenges without fear of being happy, your journey at the gym will be more than fruitful. Trying out new gear and new disciplines will take you into a new world of disciplines, gear, and opportunities to tap into the full potential within each of you.

This is just a small number of justifications for you to start working out in partnership. Whether with one, two or more people, it doesn't matter, because the cool thing about life is sharing the moments that are worth living together.

Written by Juliana Alves from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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