6 Youtube Channels That Will Help You Empower Yourself

    6 Youtube Channels That Will Help You Empower Yourself
    Women have always played a very important role in society, but unfortunately it has not been long since the space was recognized by everyone. Much remains to be done to achieve the equality that women so much deserve from men, but feminism has been gathering so many followers that it has already yielded many fruits.

    Empowerment has also been a topic with a lot of attention from the media and people in general. In addition to gender equality, women have also achieved recognition and even self-acceptance, whether by race, age, sexual orientation and even weight.

    YouTube has become an inexhaustible source to learn more about the subject. There are several channels that approach the subject in very different ways. Below we separate six of them that deserve your attention. Just play:

    1- Super Women

    It is one of those that uses the most serious language of the genre. With about 500 subscribers, it addresses issues that show the importance of women who stood out in search of female autonomy. One of the featured videos shows a major problem still faced, inequality in the labor market:

    2- Gives Gives Prazer

    The darling of feminists, Jout Jout has already been popular with everyone and has even published a book on the same theme. Using a good dose of humor in all of her videos, she is something of a psychologist for women, who find videos that address the entire female universe. Having more than 1 million subscribers. Among her videos, stay with this one that addresses the importance of not accepting less than one deserves:

    3- More Magenta 

    This channel came to break the idea that the feminist needs to be masculinized. Blogger Dani Cruz breaks preconceptions about empowerment and even teaches makeup. It is a frank account, in the rhythm of conversation with friends, that breaks taboos and shows the real thing about being a feminist and understanding the importance of being a woman:

    4- Bee channel

    It is an LGBT channel that preaches, above all, the freedom to be who you truly are. It is empowerment at the extreme level and for all human beings. With an average of 15 to 20 thousand views on each video, it also covers several international coverages, such as the Marcha das Vadias in Portugal:

    5- Canal and Chapter

    Babi is a 25-year-old journalist who uses all her intelligence to convey important messages to people about being a woman and about the importance of taking care of yourself, as for example in this video in which she extols self-love:


    6- Don't Kahlo Me

    A channel more focused on complaints and the dissemination of projects that can help women understand the importance of feminism and also bring to light cases forgotten by the media. In this one, the approach is about femicide:

    Text written by Roberta Lopes da Silva from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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