The 4 Elements and You

Earth, Fire, Water and Air. These are the four main elements that make up nature.

Did you know that knowing your body's cellular composition gives you clues to your purpose in this lifetime?

Nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and carbon are the main elements that make up everything that exists on Earth, as they are the four elements in action.

Nothing exists without them.

There is approximately 88,8% oxygen in water.

In air, approximately 78% nitrogen

On fire, 71% hydrogen

On earth, carbon is the main element and it is what materializes things on this planet.

The 4 Elements and You

In each of our cells there are the four elements as predominant in their constitution, so we are basically formed by earth, fire, water and air.

When we are born under the influence of the belt of planets, under a certain sign of the Zodiac, it means that we receive a certain amount of certain forces, with the predominance of a certain element, and we enter the field of the Earth with the body composed according to our life project and what we are predisposed to do with our higher mental. Our cellular makeup indicates our essence. And we are not talking about behavior, which can be controlled, but about the nature of each being, which shows itself in the first impulse.

This is pure mathematics, sacred geometry, as the universe works logically, perfectly and mechanically.

The way we choose how to compose our body varies according to the need of the original planโ€ฆ If we come with an impetus for changes, for example, we bring a predominance in the cellular composition of hydrogen, that is, Fire.

The fire burns, it is the transforming flame.

A Fire person who tries to be Zen fails!

Trying to be what I'm not in essence goes against our life project and leads to an imbalance of the whole body, because it goes against its cellular composition and then we get sick and become unhappy.

The 4 Elements and You
Jure ล iriฤ‡/Pexels

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius): angry, resolved, restless, impulsive;

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn): melancholy, dramatic, organized, hardworking'

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius): cheerful, outgoing, kind, optimistic, independent;

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces): emotional, interiorized, flexible, serene, prudent.

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If you do not identify with the characteristics of the four elements and your main sign, it is worth reflecting on holding back, not allowing yourself to be what your being is, in essence, because the composition of your body can give you indications of your personality. life purpose. Don't ignore it. Know yourself, remember?

In the next few days we will bring the characteristics of the four elements in more detail,

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