Day 1 – Change your life in 21 days: Mental Reprogramming

HEADS UP: This text is part of a 21 Day Cycle physical, mental and spiritual healing process. For greater understanding, we advise you to start the cycle from the He is Zero. At the end of each article you will find links to all the days.

Hello beloved, this is our 1st day of 21-day physical, mental and spiritual healing cycle. If you're reading this page on Thursday, it should be done on Friday.. If it opened on Friday, it's the right day for us to start.

Now, if you want to start any day, the result will also be great. Try to at least follow some actions, such as "distance reiki", on the right days. We will post in advance, date and time. This will give more strength to the process, as we will be many doing the same thing and with the same objective.

To make it easier for you, at the end of each page we will have links, from day zero to the 21st, remembering that in the first cycle each link will work on the referring day.

But why 21 days? 

There are several theories as to why a “mind diet” ou “spiritual cleansing cycle” for 21 days. As I don't like to get into religious or philosophical issues due to the controversies they generate, I can summarize by saying that studies and research have proven the effectiveness of disciplining yourself for 21 consecutive days, because by faithfully following the 21 days, the action will become a habit in your life. .

An example: When we want to go on a diet, gym or walk, we usually leave it for the famous Monday. This will be our first paradigm to be broken. “THE DECISION MAKING”, STARTING the cycle IN FULL FRIDAY. The first few days can even be "boring", but you see, we don't have a magic wand to help you with your problem without an effort from each of you. So, OBLIGE YOURSELF to follow these 21 days to the letter.

What if I forget or skip a day? Well, well… All right! You just have to start all over again… Ah, but what if I give up? No problem, just never complain about your “black dog” (your problem) again, ok?

As our body works, our mind works. We hear and watch daily the violence increasing in the world, drugs, homicides and suicides, in short… Watching or reading the news today has become something that only feeds our minds with negative things.

But even the “world outside” being as it is, it is not possible to put ourselves in a glass case. We can then do a MENTAL REPROGRAMMING through various techniques for 21 days, cleaning our mind and soul of so many mundane absurdities that we see and live with on a daily basis and that, without a doubt, collaborate with our current “problem” and feed our “black dog”. ”.

Okay, Raquel, but what about after 21 days?

Day 1 – Change your life in 21 days: Mental Reprogramming
Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels

Well, according to studies, after these 21 days we will already be used to naturally practicing many of the techniques that we will do together here, and as we will be “cleaned” of all negative mental programming, it will be enough to continue with the habit of positive mental reprogramming so that it neutralizes the bad energies we receive every day. Making it a routine we will no longer be so affected by collective evil and negativism.

We will be able to watch, know, witness bad things, but we will naturally know how to neutralize this, how to mentally put an “energy bubble” over us, so that all negativism does not reach us and still transmutes into something good, which will also help this “ collective unconscious”, that is, the whole world!

You might also like:

  • Change your life in 21 days
  • Discover the Inner Child's Healing Journey
  • Does mind reprogramming work?
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Here comes our understanding of the Ho'oponopono Healing Technique and the true story of how hundreds of murderers imprisoned in a judicial asylum were cured. So, one of today's tasks will be to understand how it works and how we are all connected.

Before today's schedule I share with you a short video about this connection. The intro shows some images from the release of one of my books right after my first cure, in 2010… I think I'm beautiful in it… (LAUGHTER). And I will stay again! Do you know when? In 21 DAYS!

1st Day of the Cycle: Mental Reprogramming

Today, just for today I promise to fulfill the tasks of the day:

1 Step

Cut out small pieces of paper (or any other way you like) and write several notes. Stick them in some places where you can see them several times a day, with the following sentence: "JUST FOR TODAY I WILL JUDGE NOTHING AND NO ONE". Place one on the refrigerator door, one on the bathroom mirror, and one next to the steering wheel of your car.

2 Step

Beta Level Mental Reprogramming: If in the ZERO day post you didn't have time or curiosity to read what the Ho'oponopono CURE technique means, today this will be a step you will have to take. Even if you already know the technique, together with me and hundreds of readers, let's read with the soul CLICKING HERE.

3rd step

Mental Reprogramming at an Alpha mental level: After reading and understanding how this technique works, practice it today and for the next 7 days. To make it easier, during these days I will always post the meditation.

CLICK TO WATCH THE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE: Ho'oponopono Healing Technique Meditation


The doctor ordered:

• If you are not in the habit of drinking a lot of water, in the next 24 hours, OBLIGATE yourself to drink at least 1 liter of water. If you already consume a lot of water, start drinking 2 to 3 liters a day.
• Take a 15-minute walk to meditate, get in touch with nature and seek mental silence.
• If you are overweight, why not start a diet (preferred) today?
• Do you consume alcoholic beverages, either in large quantities or socially? Do you usually “put your foot in the jackfruit” when you are high? Do you get any depression, angst or moral hangover the next day? SO DO NOT CONSUME ALCOHOL IN THE NEXT 21 DAYS. This is hard? So think: just for today I will not drink alcohol.

My diary:

Defendant I confess: Yesterday, my ZERO day was very difficult, considering that my 4 children are on vacation, one of them with pneumonia and I am dividing my time between being a mother, nurse, housewife and professional, trying to the extent of the “impossible”, to work for support the 4 + the dog, the parrot and the house bills, lol. No comments about “my black dog”, right? Well, during an emergency call over Skype, they started that fight between brothers and I had to interrupt the appointment.

I freaked out! I sent the two big ones to grandma's house, to reflect that it's time to help a little instead of so much computer and fights over games and video games. Besides, I wouldn't be able to start the cycle together with you, without having at least 2 initial days a little calmer. I just didn't post my picture today because it would surely burn… As soon as I shared my gallery here I started cleaning my bedroom closet and mental closet, then ho'oponopono. So yeah… I slept like an angel!

A kiss in the soul of all of you and see you tomorrow, CDS!

Raquel Koury

Did you read this text and felt a little lost? It is part of a 21 day Healing process. Always start on day ZERO, and also tell whoever needs it by clicking 'share' on the social media images below!

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