The 4 Archangels of Divine Manifestation

    In previous articles we talked about the Archangels of the first 3 rays of life that support the essential aspects of divinity and form the spiritual soul of the other rays. Archangel Michael of the first blue ray carries the divine virtue of God's will, Archangel Jophiel brings the golden representation of God's wisdom and Archangel Samuel of the pink ray carries us of God's love. These 3 manifestations are linked to the threefold flame and the principle of the Trinity.

    Let us today observe that these 3 aspects of the ONE unite and from their various combinations the other rays are produced, therefore all forms of manifestation are effusions of this initial trinity and the four later differentiations, evolving into the 4 Rays of Christ Consciousness.

    The remaining 4th – 5th – 6th – 7th rays, called Form or Attribute Rays express the qualities of the first 3 rays in greater detail of manifestation and are combinations of the main rays. Each of them is tutored by a Great Archangel, let's get to know them more deeply.

    The Archangel Gabriel called the “bearer of the good news” is the angelic ruler of the 4th. crystal white ray of purity and ascension, together with its divine complement – ​​hope, he tells us: “Religion is not just the external act of a ceremony. It is, on the contrary, a matter of daily life and of each hour. It's the perfect, normal goal of complete common sense. It is a matter of discipline, self-control, reflection; it is the unfolding of love and gratitude to God who gave you life and keeps you in the Universe for billions of years, in the hope that you will accomplish, by yourself, your objective, which can never be accomplished by another person. You are part of the Great Cosmic Loom, but you alone must weave discipline through your emanation of life.” His appeal charges us with life and beauty.

    “Beloved Archangel Gabriel. I am the resurrection and life of my eternal youth and beauty, my perfect sight and hearing, my enlightened strength and energy, and my perfect health.”

    The 4 Archangels of Divine Manifestation
    Idelfoto / Getty Images Pro / Canva

    Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary act on the 5th. green ray that performs healing through truth, dedication and concentration, so say within your heart: “Beloved Father, forgive my transgression of the law of love. Beloved Archangel Raphael, sanctify my eyes again so that they see only perfection! If you have heard negative gossip, if your hands are gesticulating impatiently, if you have let a bad mood explode, if your lips have uttered harsh words, say it within yourself. “Beloved Father, forgive the misuse I have made of your Energy”. Archangel Raphael I thank you for your great help to me and to all humanity. Seal me to all people in your Flame of Consecration and Perfection. Help me to see only PERFECTION, I think PERFECTION, I feel PERFECTION, I see PERFECTION, I hear PERFECTION, I speak PERFECTION - I AM and manifest only PERFECTION now and forevermore.

    Archangel Uriel and his complete Divine Dona Graça lead the Flame of the 6th. ray – golden ruby ​​color, bringing devotion, peace and mercy to the world of forms. Here we find the energy of all angels who serve humanity through love and mercy towards all humans. “Every Angel who dedicates himself to selfless service freely serves a certain emanation of life. For every being belonging to Earth's humanity, for every remnant, protective spirit of other stars, there is an individual selfless angel to serve you, becoming a protective presence. The latter remains at the side of each one as long as it is linked to the realm of development. These angelic beings are called “protective angels” or “guardian angels”

    Can you imagine what it is to serve selflessly, always the same person, for thousands of years, without giving your angel the opportunity to attend the temple of the masters to recover because your protege is not in the habit of frequenting these places of Light? Reflect on this, for the angel who is at your service is obliged by law to accompany you, and at all propitious occasions, and to place a ray of light on your conscience, with the aim of elevating you more and more.

    “Beloved Archangel Uriel, I thank you for your selfless service, help me to help my guardian angel so that he keeps me constantly on the path of purity, harmony and happiness!”

    the 7th. and last ray of violet color is ruled by Archangel Ezekiel and amethyst bringing the light of transmutation and freedom to the world. He tells us: “You know that even in the evil word there is life and this life will return to you, to be dissolved and released again! The strength contained in the evil look, in the irritated gestures, of you and of others, returns to you, to learn to love disinterestedly. Never monopolize energy.

    The 4 Archangels of Divine Manifestation
    sedmak / Getty Images / Canva

    When something negative arises within the reach of your everyday thinking or in the practice of life, do not allow any reaction to manifest in you! Do not feel "wrongdoing" when the accumulating discordant energy manifests itself in your aura. These energies return to you, because here, in this Earth octave, there are very few unascended foci of light, those who know how to purify, elevate, dissolve and release the accumulation of negative energies that hover in the Earth's atmosphere. Everything that is said about another person - even if it is just for fun... what is not a blessing is, for that very reason, a curse. Therefore I ask you that all the emanations of life be forgiven by you in the return of the reaction of your mistakes!

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    Beloved violet fire angels (3x), come, come, come and flame the violet fire of love for freedom (3x) through my aura, my world of feelings and thoughts, through my etheric body and my brain and in every cell of my physical body, through my home, business and finances! Do this for all life on this planet, until the causes and seeds of human creation are dissolved and transmuted into purity and perfection. The Earth verily is a holy and free star!”

    So, in these 4 articles, we end the wonderful connection with the 7 archangels of the divine rays and if you have appreciated and want to strengthen this irradiation in your life and in your home, you can find some guidelines in the link below on YouTube.

    The information used for this text is below:

    Book : Meditation and Appeals – Bridge to Freedom

    Handout: White Fraternity Course – Seraphys Bey Space.

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