Ways to balance the chakras during the day

Standing firm in the midst of a flurry of activities and obligations to be done daily is very difficult, especially for those who put aside self-care for lack of time and haste. Know that one of the most responsible for our balance are the chakras, found in the middle of our body and with much greater functions than you can imagine.

But what exactly are chakras?

Located in bodily lines, the chakras are responsible for stabilizing, so to speak, our psychological state. They are energy centers that connect the body with the spirit, providing a feeling of self-control and self-control in the individual. Below we describe a brief definition of them and how you can balance them with simple actions. Check out the tips and try to use them, especially during the day, when the body is usually much more active.

Basic Chakra

It is located at the base of the spine and relates to sexual energy. That is, when this chakra is closed, some signs of sexual disorders may arise. If there is no balance, when in excess, the symptoms are caused by the exaggerated production of hormones, among other dysfunctions linked to this area.

What to do to balance it: outdoor walks, smell the nature around you (plants, tree, natural oils) and wear red clothing (color associated with the chakra) to increase your connection to the Earth.

Sacrum or Umbilical

Carrying the responsibility of energizing the whole organism by filtering the cosmic energies that are received by the body, when dealing with issues related to material attachment, passion and even sensuality, it is this chakra that will be activated. You find it between the pubic bone and the navel.

What to do to balance it: write about your emotions in a diary or notebook to awaken your feelings, enjoy activities that explore creativity, such as painting, drawing, collage, crossword puzzles, etc. and wearing orange clothing to boost positive emotions.

Ways to balance the chakras during the day
avesun / 123RF

Solar plexus

The emotional part is calibrated in this energy center, which works to create personal trust. Located in the region of the navel and solar plexus (it is behind the stomach and below the diaphragm), when it is out of balance, there are chances of developing chronic diseases.

What to do to balance it: challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone when facing the daily routine, doing different activities, dressing well even if it is to do simple programs, wearing yellow to increase vibration and confidence in yourself.


Speaking of love and things of the heart, this chakra's mission is to control emotions. When activated, the explosion of compassion for others is great, with affection being the keyword that defines it. It is in the middle of the chest, at the level of the heart.

What to do to balance it: meditation to organize thoughts will create self-control and lead to unconditional love, do a good deed every day, even if they are small, use green to enhance the loving vitality of giving and receiving love.

Ways to balance the chakras during the day
Dmytro Buianskiy / 123RF


As the name implies, the larynx is the habitat of this chakra, which is responsible for our power of communication. Sharp perception of events, subtle understanding of situations and problems related to the voice, are some of the laryngeal attributions.

What to do to balance it: singing, even in the shower, is an excellent way to open this chakra, take a moment to comfortably analyze thoughts, ideas and opinions, and use blue to open your channel of communication.


Perhaps the most famous of all the chakras, it is also known as the “third eye” (baptized by the Hindus), which gives us the idea of ​​total openness to our ability to raise consciousness to very high levels. Fixed between the eyebrows, it is the one who provides our connection with intuition, mediumship, telepathy, among other effects of the genre.

What to do to balance it: do visualization exercises where you can find yourself in activities that you feel good about, keeping a notebook next to your bed is a way to invite yourself to put memories of your dreams on paper, using indigo or blue in a darker tone will open your intuition channel.

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Also referred to as the “crown chakra”, its role is to raise human consciousness so that there is a connection with the power of the divine. It is located at the top of the head, acting on the brain and nerve centers that sharpen human perception in the face of its spiritual ability.

What to do to balance it: be grateful for the challenges as both are important in your journey, hiking and meditations outdoors help to open the pineal gland and crown chakra, doing yoga and studying about spirituality will be a powerful guide to the path of enlightenment.

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