Thank you for your kindness

Thank you for your kindness

In the past, were people kinder? Or today, with greater ease of access to different information, does it lead people to practice more kindness?

By reading so many racist comments about black people, do you become kinder to your little black brothers?

With so many deaths that were motivated by bullying, do you realize the importance of being kinder in the words you say to others? And can you even explain to other people the great importance of being more kind when speaking?

At this time when most people are running around, do you take a few minutes of your little time to be kind to your family, friends or a stranger on the street?

Is it possible to be kind in the real world? And in the virtual world, on social networks?

My grandmother was kinder to the neighbors than I am today, I don't even know them.

There are many people who are more kind to animals than to human beings.

These are just a few questions… Think about it!

Kindness is a noble and distinguished action. Shows kindness and delicacy.

In Quantum Kinesiology consultations, many people begin to realize that they are not as kind as they could be. Often, without thinking, they choose to be nice to some people and not others, in some situations and not in others. Some manage to be nicer to their boss than to their co-workers, nicer when they're away on vacation than the other 11 months of the year, or even nicer to that prettiest girl, etc.

"I'm not nice in traffic, it's every man for himself".

"I've tried to be nice to co-workers, and I never get nice things back."

"My spouse is very kind to friends and almost nothing to family."

By understanding that small and large kindnesses make your day and that of other people better, it brings peace to traffic, the work environment becomes more pleasant, relationships become more harmonious… We should practice more kindness!

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You don't lose by being kind, on the contrary, there are many gains. Even if the person who received your kindness does not reciprocate, because you are in the vibration of kindness, you will attract other kindnesses done by other people who are also in that high vibration.

Thank you for your kindnesses, know that they contribute to a better world.

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