Thank the Most High!

We have the habit of complaining about events, about what doesn't work, about the difficulties we face. In fact, sometimes I catch myself that way too! We should, however, behave differently, since we consider ourselves enlightened people, studied and believers in God!

Taking as a basis the most perfect Man who passed through the Earth when he was here in a body of flesh, we will see that our desires and our complaints should not have the intensity that we print, since He, even before being born, was already being persecuted death, forcing his parents to go to another region so that his birth could be possible!

His birthplace was in one of the most modest places and His cradle was not decorated with stones or riches and used a manger! Her parents did not have any political prominence in the environment in which they lived, since her mother was a housewife and her father was a carpenter worker.

For many years, his arrival was awaited, but the friends he had were not enough to free him from the difficulties in spreading the Good News that he brought, nor from the cruel physical death.

Thank the Most High!

He trusted people who accompanied him, but many of them betrayed him and others denied him!

He was a Man who only did good! He was a teacher, because he taught how to proceed with life. He was a lawyer when he acted in the defense of the woman who was on the verge of being stoned and he was a doctor when he promoted cures and applied magnetic passes with the intention of warding off evil spiritual influences that approached people who had little faith.

Such a Man was endowed with very high capacities, like the second sight when he indicated to the fishermen where the shoal was concentrated and when he walked under the waters to teach us that we should exercise faith.

He taught us how to make the Greatest Prayer, which we still use today to reconnect with the Father!

Finally, there are so many of His deeds written in the Gospel which lead us to a moment of reflection.

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Certainly, everyone already knows that we are referring to Jesus, the one who, despite all the hardships faced, had nothing to atone for in his past. And we, who are still imperfect, live complaining about the difficulties that life presents us.

Let's think positively, with faith in our desires and, in prayer, ask for strength to face the challenges, in order to be better every day and please our Creator Father. On Christmas Eve, therefore, let us remember to thank the Most High for having sent the Master Jesus to us!

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