Tenth Scroll – Faith – From this day forward I will plead for guidance

Faith. From now on I will beg for guidance. For with guidance I will make wise decisions.

From now on I will plead for silence.
For in the silence I hear the voice of guidance.
From now on I will crave balance.

Well, with balance, my BEING gets on the axis, calms down, I have peace and I can think.

From now on I will beg for help in the face of all dangers.
For when confronting them I will not be alone.
From now on I will beg for understanding.

Thus, I can understand or accept the mysteries in the experience of this life.
From now on I will beg for a deep feeling.
I feel an unparalleled feeling of empowering love that permeates the life of the BEING.

Tenth Scroll – Faith – From this day forward I will plead for guidance

From this day forward I will beg for blessings of gratitude.
That with my mouth I can express all the gratitude that I have within my BEING.

From now on I will beg for forgiveness.
Forgive me for what happened, for what hasn't happened and for the pain of the moment. Forgive to be forgiven.

From now on I will beg for love.
Love without conditions and impositions. Just genuine love. True love.

From now on I will beg my eyes to see inside me.
Within me is the ultimate connection with the God of the universe.
From now on I will beg to be a better person.

From this day forward I will plead for humility.
May my recognition and merit be graced spontaneously and naturally.

From this day forward I will plead with respect to all creatures.
Let there be communion with all living creatures.

From now on I will beg for a renewal of my BEING.
May there always be an awakening of consciousness, understanding and understanding so that I can continue on my path.

Tenth Scroll – Faith – From this day forward I will plead for guidance

From now on I will beg for my mission. May I be able to fulfill my mission in the experience of this life.

From this day forward I will beg you not to desire any gifts, rewards or anything tangible. For I am already satisfied with everything I have.

From now on I will beg not to want answers.
For they are not necessary.

Most of the answers lie within me.
I will only beg for guidance that I may come to know the way to acquire these things. And I will always be answered in every prayer.

From now on I will beg for guidance.
For the guidance I seek may come, as it may not, but are not both possibilities an answer? Yes, no and wait.

From now on I will beg for guidance in this way:

“O creator of all things, help me.
For today I go out into the world naked, alone and without your hand to guide. I will stray from the path that leads to light, success and happiness.

I do not ask for gold, clothes, or even opportunities according to my ability, but I ask for guidance so that I may acquire ability according to my opportunities.

Teach me the right words and to prosper with love so that I can be a winner.

Help me to remain humble in obstacles and failures, but do not hide from my eyes the prize that will come with victory.

Give me tasks at which others fail, but guide me in a way that allows me to reap success in the failures of others.

Confront me with fears that will temper my spirit, but endow me with courage that I may laugh at my fears.

Allow me enough days to reach my goals, but help me to live this day as if it were my last day.

Guide me in my words so that they bear fruit, but guard my tongue so that no one is defamed.

Discipline me in the habit of trying again and again.

Tenth Scroll – Faith – From this day forward I will plead for guidance

Favor me with readiness to recognize opportunities, but endow me with patience that will concentrate my strength.

May I practice good habits so that bad habits will drown, but grant me compassion for the weakness of others.

Make me suffer to know that all things will pass, but help me to count my blessings today.

Subject me to hate and anger so that these feelings are not strange to me, but fill my BEING with love to turn strangers into friends.

But let all these things happen only according to your will.

You made me different and special from all other creatures.

In this special place reserved for me, guide me, help me and show me the way. Let me become everything you planned for me in this world.

Help this humble BEING. Guide me, my Lord.”

From this day forward I will plead with God. The God of the Universe.
Gratitude! Namaste! I love Amituofo!

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