Teach your child the value of money

Having a stable, balanced and always on the rise financial life is one of the main and most difficult challenges of adult life. It’s not easy to have all your accounts under control, invest in the future and still be able to enjoy a certain amount of monthly surplus – the portion of the population that achieves this feat is much lower than the majority, and this is the reality, no matter in which part of the globe earth you are.

But to be part of that small portion of the population that manages to control their own earnings (and, consequently, help to improve the world's economic situation) it is necessary to learn from a young age about the importance of money. It is worth saying that money is far (far away) from being the most important thing to worry about, but it is a fact that it is very difficult to live without it.

And if you have children, this concern doubles in size, after all, we want our children to be better than us, even more financially successful. And for that to happen, it is necessary to establish conversations about financial education in your home from the beginning.

But, no need to despair. Eu Sem Fronteiras has separated some valuable tips for you to start teaching your children a little more about money. Shall we go to them?

Where does the money come from?

Before anything, kids need to understand that money doesn't grow on trees – literally.

Children's imagination is a world apart, and if you don't explain to your children that you have to work to get money, nothing prevents them from imagining that banknotes were butterflies that turned into money when touched by rain, for example.

So say it's to get money that adults go to work every day. Enjoy and explain a little more about what you do professionally. In a playful and didactic way, children love to know what their parents do, after all, their parents are their main heroes!

Why is money important?

Very good. Since your children already know that you have to work to Teach your child the value of moneymoney and why you work every day, explain why money is so important.

Remember that your kids don't have bills to pay yet. Then, explain to them what accounts are, say that they exist every month and that you have to meet the established commitments.

In addition to bills, money allows us to buy important things and those we might not need, but want, like some toys and sweets, for example.

And how do I, who don't work, get money?

No child should work, but it is important that they have their own money to learn how to deal with it in a practical way. Therefore, it is worth investing in an allowance for your children, as long as the amount is consistent with their age.

Increase their allowance as they get older, as long as they understand and show respect for their parents' money. And once children reach a certain age (it varies by child, but generally from 7 or 8 years old), give some responsibility for the money they earn, like the candy on the weekend. , or movie popcorn, for example.

That way, they will realize that if they spend everything today, they will run out of popcorn at the weekend cinema, and will only have to wait for the next allowance to have money for that purpose again.

But if my parents can't, why should I?

Of course, it is much more difficult for adults to have financial control than for children, who do not yet have large accounts. But while the concerns are not the same, the proportions are: you earn a certain amount and your bills must be of a value less than or equal to the amount of money you receive; works the same in relation to the allowance and the sweets of the weekend.

Your children look up to you. So learn to control your financial life to show them the importance of this fact.

But, if you are going through difficulties, don't be ashamed, expose (as far as possible and the age of the children) the difficulties, without taboos or fears. This will also serve as an example of the importance of managing money well.

Our children must be our extension, but above all, our evolution. They must be better than their parents in absolutely everything, and only then will the human race continue to evolve. So don't forget: it's very important that you teach your children everything you can to make them better human beings, including when it comes to money!

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