Cough with phlegm: emotional meaning

    You may have heard that, most of the time, untreated emotional diseases become pathologies, that is: physical diseases. Psychotherapists claim that trapped feelings physically โ€œreleaseโ€ themselves in a person's body: people who hold back crying usually have throat problems; those who have unresolved problems, headache, and those who deal with many things at the same time, back pain. But what will be the relationship of cough with phlegm with emotional? Let's find out now!

    Cough is the body's reflex when inflammatory processes or inflammation are present, as well as fever - which means that the act of coughing helps the body expel foreign bodies and secretions, thus preventing further complications to the lungs. Emotionally speaking, the cough represents everything that was somehow "stuck" in the throat, something that someone stopped talking and that wants to "get out" at various times.

    Cough with phlegm: emotional meaning
    Towfiqu barbhuiya / Unsplash

    Catarrh is a liquid composed of basically 90% water and is produced by glands that are located in the layer that lines the airways, the mucosa. As we mentioned earlier, coughing is a natural reaction of the body to expel foreign bodies, and this is the same function as phlegm. Expelling phlegm when coughing means taking out of the body microorganisms, bacteria or even viruses that can harm our body. It is worth remembering that phlegm can have different colors that can indicate some health problems, but at the same time it may not represent a type of problem if it is transparent, as the mucous membranes usually produce this type of mucus.

    On the emotional side, phlegm complements the representation of cough: mucus is the result of a possible anger that is fed by an individual who has difficulty receiving new opinions. Coughing up phlegm is a big alarm that sounds loud and loud: "You're feeding bad feelings instead of solving them!" Keeping words, grudges and even what you feel makes everything stuck inside your body. It's that famous phrase: "I have a lump in my throat", and that's pretty much it!

    Cough with phlegm: emotional meaning
    Towfiqu barbhuiya / Unsplash

    Ignoring everything that needs to be verbalized is a big mistake and your physical body ends up getting sick. The phlegm symbolizes the unspoken words and the cough, the need to express every little thing that hurts and that "hammer" a person's chest.

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    If you've gone to a doctor and found that there's nothing wrong with your physical health, try treating your emotions more seriously. If there's something that makes you feel trapped, free yourself! Speak up, take all the anger out of your being, don't allow your body to need to externalize these issues in the form of a disease: take care of your emotional health!

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