Take Advantage of New Year's Opportunities and Practice Your Public Speaking: 4 Amazing Exercises!

Knowing how to speak to people properly is a highly valued quality, especially at this time of year when there are many gatherings and graduations and people are already expecting to hear speeches.

The way you speak can generate excellent relationships with your colleagues at work and college, with your collaborators, with your friends. What's more… you can charm people and win their admiration through good eloquence.

But… for that to happen, in the same way that an athlete prepares for a competition, a public speaker must prepare to speak in public and practice public speaking whenever possible. And at the end of the year, without a doubt, there are incredible opportunities for that.

So, if you want to inspire confidence and delight your friends with your words, discover in this post 4 highly effective exercises that can improve your public speaking. Keep reading!

reading aloud

Take Advantage of New Year's Opportunities and Practice Your Public Speaking: 4 Amazing Exercises!

To speak attractively, a good training option is to read aloud. You should test different reading rhythms and intonations, speaking sometimes faster and sometimes slower; sometimes more serious, sometimes more acute; highlighting some words and pausing.

This will help you to have a more cadenced speech. Take rhythmic readings for at least ten minutes daily. It can be any text, even an advertisement, the important thing is that you promote variation in your speech.

Speakers who can vary the way they speak can hold the audience's attention.

Prepare a Roadmap and Hear Yourself

Take Advantage of New Year's Opportunities and Practice Your Public Speaking: 4 Amazing Exercises!

One of the best ways to improve the way you speak is to listen to yourself. Normally when we are talking, we fail to notice our faults. Many times we commit language vices that we are not aware of or mistakes in the pronunciation of certain words.

That's why it's recommended that you prepare a script of what you want to say and rehearse it by recording your speech. When listening to your recordings, you will automatically identify what needs to be improved and you can start correcting yourself.

This will give you much more security and property to talk to your colleagues.

Facial Movements

Take Advantage of New Year's Opportunities and Practice Your Public Speaking: 4 Amazing Exercises!

There are some facial exercises that can increase your speaking skills. For example, grimacing, clicking your tongue, talking with a cork between your teeth, can help you improve the articulation of sounds and hence make your pronunciation clearer.

One tool that can help you a lot is a pen. That's right, a pen. If you put a pen between your teeth and start to speak or read, you will certainly have a performance boost in your diction.

Before the exercise, read something very difficult, like a tongue twister, do the exercise, and then read the same text again. You will notice how easy it is to pronounce.

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read a lot

Take Advantage of New Year's Opportunities and Practice Your Public Speaking: 4 Amazing Exercises!

You must read constantly. Reading is essential both for those who want to write well and for those who want to speak well. The more you read, the more you have access to new words and ideas. That way you expand your vocabulary and avoid repeating the same expression unnecessarily.

More than a vast vocabulary, a great advantage of reading a lot is that it can generate transformative knowledge. And the more knowledge you have, the more propriety you can speak. And there is no shortage of messages for the end of the year.

For those who do not have the habit of reading, it is advisable to start small. Start inserting the habit of reading 10 minutes a day into your routine. Over time you will increase this period. An alternative is to look for readings that interest you to keep you motivated to read.

Extra Exercise

Take Advantage of New Year's Opportunities and Practice Your Public Speaking: 4 Amazing Exercises!

I had promised 4 exercises for you to improve your speaking. But I decided to leave one more as a gift. It's pretty simple and you've probably played it. They are the tongue twisters.

If you search the internet, you will find several of them with different levels of complexity. They are very useful as they work various muscles that help us in the production of speech. Try to recite them as quickly as possible, articulating each word clearly.

This tip may seem too simple, but if you train with tongue twisters, you will get an incredible result. And on top of that, you'll have a lot of fun with your mistakes.

These are some of the exercises for you who want to improve your oratory. Start applying them right now so you don't miss opportunities to speak well in public.

If you know or apply another type of exercise, enjoy and leave the tip here in the comments.

Master Oratory. Practice! Communicate!

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