21:21 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?

Do you know the sign of the Universe that you wished to obtain within yourself? Well, here's the number 21, which says that the paths are open, that the answers are positive and that the blessing is present for those who saw the time equal to 21:21 or frequently see the sequence 2121.

It is a vibration that invites us to feel truly full of body, soul and spirit, it is the fullness that fills the existential void of life and the feeling of luck being by your side. How lucky for us to understand these signs!

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The meaning of number 21

In the union of the feminine and masculine principle, a world of conquests is born. At 21, we have the change in the order of the feminine and masculine frequencies, showing that fulfillment is a feeling (from the vibration of number 2) about a certain attitude or initiative (from the vibration of number 1), resulting in fullness, that is, it is the vibration that brings the true feeling of 'mission accomplished' and pride in the work accomplished or the objective achieved.

Therefore, the number 21 presents the real meaning of the word prosperity, which is the feeling of success and fulfillment in all aspects of human and spiritual life.

The numerological meaning of 21

21:21 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?
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Within the studies of numerology added to the tarot archetypes, the number 21 is represented by the arcane The World, which speaks of the fullness of the path taken by the arcane traveler – The Fool.

It is the peak reached or simply the natural end of a cycle. It can be characterized as good luck and good prospects for a new cycle. This arcane helps us to deeply understand that life is made up of stages: beginning, middle and end.

When feeling fulfilled, comes the desire for something more, like experiencing a new journey in search of more achievements or new challenges. What will depend on the traveller's point of view, that is, how each person sees their inner and outer worlds. Here, another type of reflection of this arcane enters.

Are you, in fact, full and fulfilled or living on appearances closing yourself in your own world? Want an example to answer this question?

Reflect the world of artists. How many of them make us happy with their art, but deep down they suffer from loneliness?

Loneliness is absence of oneself. The arcane O Mundo speaks of our potential for success and conquest for those who are walking a real and prosperous path, not getting lost in the ephemeralities of life.

What does it mean to see 21:21

Opportunity time, simple as that. If lately you've been asking for a sign from the Universe, here's the confirmation you needed. The tendency is towards the positive, as long as your motivation and desire are also in the positive. So, analyze your intentions well.

This hour is confirmation of worthiness by asking to observe the signs and details around you. Now, if you are feeling down, seeing the hour equals 21:21 the spiritual force of the number tells you to seek help to get out of the world of sadness and loneliness.

What to do when seeing the time 21:21?

Thank you, simple as that! Feel lucky, reinvigorate your energies and position yourself to conquer the world according to your goals or the beginning of new cycles.

In case of loneliness, give thanks and understand this as a sign from your guardian angel guiding you to seek the help of a health or holistic professional.

Did you see another time like this? discover the meaning

the angel 2121

Within Kabbalistic angel studies, the angel that is closest to Earth around 21:21 is the angel Damabiah. Angel that protects against negative omens, helping to obtain triumph in the path that followed, as well as the arcane The World of tarot.

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The color associated with the number 21 is magenta or purple, colors that convey a sense of prosperity, nobility and respect. Use it to celebrate your accomplishments or to get back to believing in yourself.

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