Syntropy: or natural impulse gives life

    β€œLife is a constant process of dying.”

    Arthur Schopenhauer

    Biologist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, who won the Nobel Prize in 1937, refers to Syntropy as an innate drive of living, organic matter to improve itself. Some say a wish comes to our minds and hearts just because it can be fulfilled.

    Syntropy: or natural impulse gives life

    As living beings, we have Syntropy working in us 24/7, 365 days a year at a very deep level. It is this natural drive for growth, for the expansion of life and consciousness that transforms us every day. The will to improve, to live better, to be more than we are today.

    This psychological impulse, when obstructed, leaves us with a feeling of frustration, dissatisfaction and restlessness that is difficult to explain or get rid of. Sometimes we try to ignore it through small pleasures (such as food or drugs), shopping at the mall and material acquisitions, or forgetting about it by filling the roles of busy professional or social roles with family. But it's still there.

    Will always be. And observing Syntropy as a principle and a force that is operating within you right now.

    How are you making use of your time?

    What change do you want to create in the world?

    How would you like to improve yourself?

    How can you make more space for Syntropy in your life?

    I hope these questions help you to hear this subtle voice, but at the same time so powerful.

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