Sweet dreams: Learn tricks to get a zen sleep

Whenever we have a compromised night's sleep, we spend the whole day tired and stressed about everything. In addition to affecting the way we relate to each other, it also affects our health. The ideal is to sleep at least 7 hours a day, which is the essential time for the body to rest. You know those deep sleeps that we wish we never woke up again because it is so good? It's nights like this that we need to feel refreshed and ready for the surprises of our daily lives. That's why we've separated some tricks on how to have a more zen night's sleep, check them out:

Prepare the bedroom before bed

Sweet dreams: Learn tricks to get a zen sleep
Greg Rivers / Unsplash

Nothing better than a comfortable pillow, clean and well-groomed bedding, a lamp turned on next to the bed, or the lights completely off, ideal room temperature, curtains fully or partially closed and most importantly, electronic devices far away. from your bed. Time to sleep is time to disconnect from everything.

Relax your body before going to sleep

A warm bath with rose petals, bath salts spread over the water and very quiet music. This is the perfect setting to relax and then throw yourself into bed and enjoy a night full of sweet dreams. Try to take that time for yourself. It is very important to have calm and stress-free moments.

smells and aromas

Sweet dreams: Learn tricks to get a zen sleep
Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

Sleeping in a room full of dust, with unpleasant smells of mold, mildew, sweaty shoes and used clothes, is certainly not an ideal scenario for a good night's sleep. Make a point of getting rid of those dirt that are in your room and if you need to use incense and aromatherapy candles. Open the windows, let the air circulate, keep the room always clean with cleaning products and put clothes and shoes in the wash. Also keep your bed in good condition and spray sheets and pillows with relaxing scents like lavender and orange blossom.  

The miraculous chamomile tea

Maybe you think it's silly, but having a hot chamomile tea before bed is one of the best things in the world. Chamomile tea has the effect of making us calm, zen and keeps us with a pleasant scent of chamomile inside us. Try it and you won't regret it.

give your feet a bath

Sweet dreams: Learn tricks to get a zen sleep
Marley Clovelly / Pexels

Keeping your feet warm before going to sleep causes it to produce a calming sensation in the body. Before going to bed, give your feet a simple hot bath and let yourself drift off to sleep.

listen to good music

Listening to soft and calm music makes our body relax, our senses calm down and our mind travels until we transport ourselves to a peaceful and zen sleep. Prepare a good playlist and relax until you reach your zen state.

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Take a deep breath and relax

Sweet dreams: Learn tricks to get a zen sleep
Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

One of the best relaxation techniques is breathing and inhaling. Lie down on the bed and close your eyes, inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose. Repeat the procedure until you feel completely relaxed and sleepy.  

Count in descending order

Are you one of those people who can't settle the mind at bedtime? So this technique of counting the numbers in descending order will help you. After getting into bed comfortably, choose any number and start counting in descending order, until you let your body and mind flow and you fall into a deep sleep.

  • Written by Letícia Espíndola of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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