'Survivors': the story of young people who survived the Kiss nightclub fire

For many families and for an entire city, January 27, 2013 will be marked by a tragedy that culminated in 242 deaths: the tragedy of the Kiss nightclub. The fact that occurred in Santa Maria (RS) was news around the world. The death of many young people who were studying and fighting for their dreams, left many lives interrupted.

Today families are still looking for justice and as difficult as it is to make this journey, the help and strength of friends is essential, after all, you have to survive! And this is the title of a book that will be released on the day that the fire at the Kiss Nightclub in Santa Maria turns 4 years old.

This work will describe the moments before, during and after the 27th, experienced by seven survivors. There are seven stories written by journalists Eduarda Pavanatto and Luiza Adorna, both aged 23, graduated from the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (Unisc).

In a release released by the authors, the main objective of the work is to promote a reflection on life. “We want people to read, reflect and stop complaining for small reasons”, highlighted Luiza.

The book was written in 2015, as an assessment method for one of the subjects of the Social Communication course. Before its release, the work was carefully presented to survivors who were willing to participate in the project and authorized its publication. As well as the Association of Relatives of Victims and Survivors of the Santa Maria Tragedy (AVTSM) which was also consulted.

Remembering that all the profit obtained from the sale of the work will be destined to a charity institution in the city itself, based on indications from those involved.

“Survivors” was published by Editora Multifoco, from Rio de Janeiro. The launch will be open to the public and will take place at Café Barbera, in Santa Cruz do Sul. The date was chosen as a symbolic way to remember the victims and honor everyone who is, and always will be, survivors of Nightclub Kiss.

'Survivors': the story of young people who survived the Kiss nightclub fire


Location: Café Barbera, Rua Borges de Medeiros, 534 – Downtown, Santa Cruz do Sul – RS
Date: January 27th
Time: 18h
Book price: BRL 35,00

Written by Angélica Weise of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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