the lesson of sadness

    Sadness is a master. Many listen to the teachings she presents to us with each new fact, with each setback, with each frustrated expectation and, thus, learn to conquer a little more of themselves, but most rage and do not hear the subtle voice of sadness whispering: calm down , calm…

    There are moments in our lives when the desire to give up everything takes over us for seconds that seem infinite, causing a state of immeasurable pain and, in those moments, those who understand the subliminal lessons gain a little peace, meanwhile, those who do not trust in time, give up and surrender...

    the lesson of sadness

    Being sad is a state of mind common to all human beings, because this feeling is what makes possible the most important reflections we go through in life. Being happy is beautiful, pleasant, easy, but in joy we can't learn what really matters to us.

    They prefer noise, so they turn on the television even if they are not going to watch anything, they mechanically look at social media, without stopping, in the hope of finding answers that never come…

    The silence of pain is a master of rhetoric. But, one has to have ears prepared to hear the speech of oneself to oneself, the speech that hurts for being real, without stains, without frills.

    We should look at sadness, when it approaches us, with more respect, because it is always accompanied by so much wisdom. We should wait for her without strings attached or subterfuge, listen to her right away, bluntly, so that she can leave after having fulfilled her role...

    When sadness goes away, after learning a lesson from it, we certainly become more mature, stronger to face the ghosts that appear at every moment in the corners of life. But when sadness goes without us having learned anything from it, we become people who just ignore themselves, complain non-stop, are not grateful and, yes, incapable of sublimating the pain.

    the lesson of sadness

    Ah, sadness that surrounds me now, I'm with open arms, enter me fully, take care of my insides, overcome all barriers, break down locked doors, but play your part at once... leave me lying on the bed, hugging my pillow, feeling the river of tears that flows from my soul... But, sadness that surrounds me now, teach me something good before I leave, help me to be better than I was yesterday, cherish me so that I can be strength, even if I look like a flower...

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