Summer Solstice 2021

Summer Solstice 2021

The summer solstice happens due to the astronomical phenomenon that marks the positioning of the Sun at 23º in opposition to a hemisphere. These hemispheres are divided between North and South, and are delimited by the equator. Due to its rotation movement, the Earth receives an enormous amount of solar rays in one of these parts, thus indicating the beginning of the hottest time of the year. In the other half, consequently, due to the lower incidence of light, the winter solstice occurs.

The arrival of summer causes a great impact not only because of the intense heat wave brought by the season. It is in this season, which divides tastes and opinions, that the days are longer than the night, and our energy is redoubled. Thanks to the power of the Sun, symbolized by the fire element in astrology, this moment marks the incineration of what does not match our current journey, the restructuring of plans, ideas, projects, and the opening of new paths.

What date and time will it take place in 2021?

In España, the summer solstice starts on the 20th and 21st of December 2021 at 12:59 pm. Unexpected changes in weather and heavy rains, which are usually quick, say goodbye around March 20 and 21, 2022. With the warmer air, the moisture storage capacity becomes immense. The water that comes from forests, rivers, lakes and seas spontaneously vaporizes because of this automatic absorption, facilitating the emergence of storms.

The king star represents the vital force that sets us in motion and drives us towards the unknown. He is responsible for the breath of human existence, tiny and insignificant, compared to its giant size, 109 thousand times larger than Earth. With all this dimension, and also because we are cyclical, escaping its influence is something quite difficult. However, when we understand about its immensity, we can take advantage of this period in a profitable way.

What are the energies that the Summer Solstice brings us?

The action of these energies brings effects beyond what we already know and are used to. The air gets a mystical touch of the Summer Solstice with celebrations and festivities prepared by peoples and cultures, spread around the world. Among the pagans, rituals with dances, food, drinks and bonfires are ways of honoring the gift of purification, cleansing and fertility offered by the sun god, who is honored mainly by the Celtic festival of Beltane, held in the Southern Hemisphere.

Even if you are not part of a group that celebrates the event, ritualistically, some simple practices and attitudes help to extract the benefits of these energies.

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Meditation, for example, is an excellent tool for those who seek to develop a superior connection with spirituality, and it is also a potentiating ingredient for the materialization of goals. When being silent, use the technique, visualizing and intuiting the realization of your dreams; feeling is essential for results.

No matter how small the exercise practiced, the effects will only be perceived, through the intention placed on what you want to manifest. So connect with what vibrates your soul. Pray, pray, burn incense, organize the house, use crystals, contemplate the beauties around you and believe, in fact, that it is possible to extract good fruits and blessings at this stage. Just as flowers and plants grow beautifully and vibrantly in summer, we are equally capable of transforming ourselves in the face of this power.

Energies of the Summer Solstice in 2021

In the same way that the summer solstice acts in the flowering of nature and contributes with all the magic that involves the universal laws, accessing these energies is an invitation to rescue and renew faith, hope, joy and everything you need. be revived in our life. Enjoy meetings, walks, discoveries, adventures, bathing in the sea, waterfalls and the countless opportunities for fun and learning provided by the season.

It is time to revitalize the vows, the purposes, fill the heart with happiness, plant and water with affection the crops that will sprout in the future. To delight in every little bit provided by the Creator, using creativity and intuition, which are sharper in these three months. It is time to explore what is most beautiful in your journey, honoring and thanking the gift of being present, living this true miracle of the Universe. It's time to perform and flourish!

Make the Most of Solstice Energies

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