Stretching exercises as a routine to prevent injuries

Stretching is an extremely important movement for muscles, but not everyone knows why it's so important. Stretching brings benefits such as increased flexibility and helps to reduce joint overload during simple daily movements. It can be done not only before and after exercise, but also during the day and when you wake up, as it helps prevent muscles from shrinking or shrinking, as well as making them more active, preventing injuries.

During exercise, whether in strength training or cardio, the muscles are put under a level of stress that causes the muscle fibers to shorten to perform the activity they are being subjected to until the tension increases enough for the muscle begins to return to its normal, relaxed length. Studies show that three weeks without stretching is enough time to notice the beginning of muscle shortening. Because of this, stretching exercises are necessary before and after physical activity.

However, there are different types of stretching that are indicated, depending on the exercise that will be practiced. For example, static stretching, which is without movement, generates flexibility for a short period of time, thus being indicated for exercises such as gymnastics or yoga. Dynamic stretches, which are done with movements, are more suitable for exercises that involve running and jumping.

Thanks to a stretching routine, you can reduce the risk of injuries, muscle stiffness, increase and improve blood circulation, improve body performance and flexibility, among many other benefits for the body and also for the mind. To achieve maximum benefit, it is recommended to warm up for at least 5 to 10 minutes before exercise.

7 stretching exercises to prevent injuries:

There are many types of stretching, depending on your specific need. For example, for people who work seated for a long time, stretching the lumbar spine is the most indicated. For people who have back pain, stretching the trunk is the most suitable. In this way, for people who suffer from leg pain, stretching legs and thighs guarantees an improvement in circulation and pain relief. Some of the exercises to stretch the muscles include:

Stretching the back (cow cat)

To start warming up and improving flexibility in your back, shoulders and neck, this exercise is an excellent option. To perform this exercise, it is recommended to do the following:

  • Support yourself on your hands and legs (4-point position);
  • Slowly arch your back, bringing your belly to the floor and lifting your head, looking at the sky and waiting a few seconds;
  • Change position slowly, arching your back like a cat. Repeat for 1 minute.

Abdomen and back (half snake)

Stretching exercises as a routine to prevent injuries
sergiipetruk / 123rf

To further stretch the back and also the abdomen, the half-cobra is an excellent exercise.

  • Lying on your stomach, support your elbows and lift your torso, keeping your belly and hip bones on the floor;
  • Stretch your arms without lifting your hips off the floor. Wait about 30 seconds and repeat 3 times.

Head and neck (ear to shoulder)

This exercise is excellent for stretching the neck muscles.

  • While standing, gently lower your left ear towards your left shoulder with your shoulders leveled at all times;
  • This movement will create a stretch on the right side of the neck, which is the stretched side;
  • Bring your head back to the center and repeat on the other side.

Reach your toes

This stretch is widely known to be common in sporting activities.

  • Standing, touch your toes with your fingers, without bending your knees.
  • Stay in this position for about 30 seconds, repeat 3 times.

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quadriceps stretch

This exercise is ideal for stretching your thigh muscles.

  • Lie on your stomach. Place your forehead on your left hand and look at the floor;
  • Place the right heel towards the buttocks and hold your foot;
  • Push your hips into the floor and keep your knee straight from your hip. Release and switch sides.

spinal twist

To increase flexibility in the shoulders, spine and pecs, this exercise is perfect.

  • Sit on the floor and put your legs straight;
  • Bend your knee and place it on top of the opposite straight leg;
  • Wait 30 seconds and return to the starting position;
  • Repeat on the opposite side and do the entire process 3 times on each leg.

chest stretch

Stretching exercises as a routine to prevent injuries
stockaboo / 123rf
  • Standing, bring your hands together behind your back and press on your shoulder blades;
  • Adjust the height of your arms to feel a comfortable stretch in your chest and in front of your shoulders. Hold for 30 seconds.

Performing a stretching routine on an ongoing basis will have benefits in order to achieve sporting goals. It is important to consult a specialist if you have suffered an injury in the past or if you are starting a new physical activity. Doctoranytime professionals can help you get the most out of your stretches.


10 Stretching Exercises to Achieve the Flexibility of a Cat in a Month. (2019, July 18). Great Inspiration. Creation. Admiration.

Cruz, A. (2019, April 12). Stretching: types, benefits and exercises. My life.

Simple stretching exercises for you to try today. (2021, January 18). Weight Watchers.

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