Stretches for knee pain

Stretches for knee pain

A knee pain stretch may be just what you need when you feel uncomfortable walking or walking up and down stairs. That's because this problem is not always caused by some disease, or by a more serious imbalance in your health.

In fact, in many cases, knee pain is the result of intense physical activity or that you are not used to doing it. In this situation, it is likely to only last a few days. But if the discomfort persists for a long time, seek medical help.

If your knee pain is mild, the stretches below will help you feel better. Pay attention to the correct way to practice each one, to avoid the development of injuries, which would worsen your condition.

Stretches for knee pain

1) Straight leg raise

In the straight leg raise, you should lie on the floor, belly up. Bend both legs and lift one of them, leaving it straight. Then, keep lifting and lowering your straight leg 15 times in three sets.

Then do the same movement with the other leg. In total, you will have lifted each leg 45 times. But it's important that you respect the interval between each set, so you don't get too tired during practice.

2) Side leg lift

For the side leg raise, you will also lie on the floor. This time, however, you should lie on your side, bending the arm that is closest to the floor so that it serves as a pillow for your head.

Then keep both legs straight and raise the one farthest from the floor to the side. Once this is done, perform the movement of lowering and raising 15 times, in three series, with both legs, as in the first stretch.

3) Squats on the wall

The wall squat is a slightly more complex exercise, but it can also ease your knee pain. To perform it, stand one step away from a smooth wall, facing away. Carefully lean your back against the wall, without moving your legs backwards.

Then, bend your legs so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor, or simply lower yourself down until you start to feel a slight pain in your legs. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, return to the starting position for 10 seconds and do this same process five times.

4) Calves

Stretching your calves can also help reduce knee pain. In this exercise, you must step, with both feet, on the tip of the lowest step in your house. After this movement, stand on your toes and lower again 15 times in three sets.

Stretching is not effective if you don't use a step to perform it. Ideally, your heel should not be able to rest on the ground, to stimulate your muscles even more.

5) Walk

Walking is the simplest, lightest stretch you can do for your knees. Every day, walk at your own pace for 20 minutes, in your house or on a flat street. Because it is a low-intensity exercise, you will hardly get injured, and it will still relieve the pain you are feeling.

Remember to keep your body hydrated for walking and after performing your exercise. It is also important to keep your spine straight throughout the walk, and to breathe very carefully.

Benefits of stretching your knees

You already have five simple stretching options to take good care of your knees, relieving pain you feel from time to time. But are they really efficient? After all, what are the benefits of stretching your knees? Know more:

1) Increased flexibility

It is essential that the joints in your body are flexible, so that you can move easily and do not suffer injuries when you have to walk or carry weight, for example. With knee stretches, the joints in this region will become more flexible.

2) Reduction of muscle tension

When the knees are functioning properly, there is no buildup of muscle tension on them. In general, this is what causes pain and countless types of injuries. If you constantly move your knees with the stretches we present, your leg muscles will work with ease, reducing strain on your knees.

3) Development of mobility

Our joints are like gears that need to be lubricated to function at their best, and stretching helps in this process. By moving your knees, you will develop their mobility, reducing discomfort resulting from any imbalance in this region.

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Did you see? You can relieve mild pain in your knees at home, for free, with a simple change of habits. The stretches we present will improve your quality of life and bring more health to your body. What are you waiting for to practice them? Get started today!

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