Storytelling is the art of enchanting hearts and being happy

    In 2012, I decided that I wanted to return to volunteer work, and a great friend encouraged me to get to know the work of Associação Viva e Let Viver, founded by publicist Valdir Cimino, about 17 years ago, who specializes in telling stories to children in hospitals. .

    Storytelling is the art of enchanting hearts and being happy

    Well, that was my gateway to the universe of those who tell stories in hospitals for children and adolescents. I started working at Darcy Vargas Hospital, in Morumbi, and now I work at Sepaco Hospital, along with a team of loving, generous and fun people. The playful universe is a window for the expression of emotions and it fits very well for both children and adults, because sometimes, honestly, I don't know who has more fun: the parents or the children in the hospital bed. Charming hearts brings a positive feeling of joy and genuine happiness.

    Storytelling is the art of enchanting hearts and being happy

    Ah, I remembered, that actually, I had already participated in another organization called Making History, in which we told stories, but the focus was to put together with the child who lived in the shelter, his story album. At that time, I met Felipe, an 8-year-old boy with motor and health difficulties, who was eagerly waiting for me for our time of connection and playful activity. When he left the shelter, he took the album built by us. I have good memories of this donation in the art of storytelling and enchanting a child's heart.

    I believe that we can always do something good for others, for the system we live in. In fact, I learned selflessness from my mother, and I'm grateful that she taught me that value. When we dedicate a few hours of our busy routine to deliver a little love, smile, affection and joy, through the universe of words, tales and children's stories, we feel that our life creates another meaning. It creates a sense of purpose, of connection with the Universe, of connection with the Greater Love.

    In the book and documentary 'The Altruism Revolution', Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard reveals how transformative the force of benevolence, empathy and compassion is. He knows that cliché phrase: "Doing good is good" e "kindness generates kindness"? Well, they are true and this has been scientifically proven. Ah, now you're going to believe me lol. Well, doing good and expressing love, does a damn good for our lives, because it improves our self-esteem, our emotional and even physical health. I know people who have been cured of depression by starting volunteer work and dedicating love to others.

    Storytelling is the art of enchanting hearts and being happy

    There are people who defend the Amazon, others who build houses for residents in a state of vulnerability. There are people who love to collect toys to serve the children who write their letters to Santa Claus. Sincerely, every voluntary and benevolent action will activate the force of love, satisfaction, joy, pride in doing good.

    Volunteer work is a type of activity that is very much in line with the law of “Give and You Shall Receive”, because I don't know any volunteer who arrives one way and doesn't leave changed after their performance. When we give a little of our life, of our time, of our love, we also receive back a smile, a goodbye, a word of gratitude, and thus, the balance of the law of abundance is established. But this is a topic for another conversation here at Eu Sem Fronteiras. Until next time! And long live the storyteller's day!

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