6 reasons to pray

    Have you ever stopped to think about why we should pray? After all, God already knows everything we want, he knows everything and plans everything, doesn't he?

    To help you, we've separated six scripture-based reasons:

    Prayer shows that we are children of God, because he loves us and hears us

    You know when you get that unexpected call from a friend who is busy, or from your child during the day? This is how God feels when we set aside time for intimate conversation.

    Prayer shows our dependence on God

    6 reasons to prayPrayer reminds us that God is the Creator and that we are his creatures. Prayer is an act of humility.

    Admitting that God is God and that we are little or nothing is positive for ourselves.

    Prayer will limit our pride and belief that we can do it alone. So we adjust our attitude, mainly by directing our attention to what comes from heaven.

    Prayer shows our trust in God

    Praying transforms us. Increase our faith. Bringing our worries, requests, needs and fears to God through prayer changes who we are.

    Through prayer, we find peace and resolutions that we would not have before praying.

    Prayer is a chance to show all our feelings to God

    There is a healing effect when we place all that we are and feel before God.

    Being honest with God, even if he already knows everything we feel, makes us find healing and help. We found comfort and peace.

    Prayer speaks to the heart of God

    No, prayer is not going to give us everything we want and ask God for, and usually that's good!

    There is no way to know for sure if God will answer our prayers, but we need to keep praying and giving thanks. For God answers, and our prayers impact His heart.

    Prayer is a way to get involved with what God does in the world

    Often, when disaster strikes in the world, people move to pray for one another. The Internet is full of requests and outcry… And indeed, prayer is a way of getting involved in what we cannot effectively help in a time of crisis.

    Through prayers, God can heal, save, help… Not only in extreme situations, but also help that friend you don't know how to help… Prayer can be the solution.

    Praying allows us to be part of the works of God. Prayer makes us servants to others. And that's good!

    β€œTrue prayer is not merely a mental thing or a vocal exercise. It's much deeper than that. It is a spiritual transaction with the Creator of Heaven and Earth.”


    Now that we understand some reasons that lead us to pray, do you already know why you pray? Leave it in the comments!

    Written by Gabrielle Career of Team Me Without Borders.

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