Stories to inspire girls

    As some fairy tales show, the function of the princess is to wait for the prince charming so that she can one day marry, become queen and take care of the castle and the children. But we know that times are different. Some girls discover early on that life can be much more than waiting for Prince Charming and want to conquer their own space in the world. From this reality, the Italians Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo created the book “Good night stories for rebel girls” (bedtime stories for rebellious girls).

    Stories to inspire girlsThe book tells 100 stories of extraordinary women past and present who stood out and showed the world how women can be whatever they want to be. Women who became astronauts, chefs, athletes, engineers, painters, architects, musicians and judges are some examples of inspiring stories that are in the book.

    Each of these stories was illustrated by an artist. And each of them from a different place in the world. Which shows us how the art world is also full of talented women who stand out for their work.

    The authors believe in the importance of girls who grew up with references from successful women. In this way, they will mature with more self-confidence, in addition to creating more ambitious goals for their lives. Despite being released as a children's book, people of all ages can be inspired by each of the stories in the book.

    Stories to inspire girlsThe project is available for crowdfunding through the “Kickstarter” platform and is expected to launch the digital book in October this year and the physical book in November. The book has generated so much interest that it has raised over $900 and is the highest-funded children's book project on Kickstarter.

    Prices range from $20 to $489, depending on what you want to buy. Options range from e-book purchases to kits with 10 books printed with poster.

    Stories to inspire girls

    For more information and ordering the book, visit the website.

    • Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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