4 Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself During the Autumnal Equinox

4 Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself During the Autumnal Equinox

The autumnal equinox is an astronomical event that marks the end of spring and the beginning of autumn. On the date on which the phenomenon occurs, day and night have the same duration. In addition, there is a shift in the energies that are around us.

During the summer, we feel more willing to venture out, to show ourselves to the world and to put projects into practice. However, with the arrival of autumn it is possible that you feel a different motivation than that.

With milder temperatures and less sunny days, you will have an invitation to introspection and reflection. In this period, you should think about what you want to leave behind, looking at what really makes sense for your current life.

To help you through this process, we've come up with four questions you should ask yourself during the autumnal equinox. It is important that you choose a quiet and quiet place for this reflection. And you can write your thoughts in a notebook, with a candle lit by your side.

If you are in España, the autumnal equinox will happen on the 20th or 21st of March. But if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, the phenomenon should occur between the 22nd and 23rd of September. So check the correct date before starting to reflect with the questions below:

1) What did I start on the spring equinox?

The spring equinox is the opposite of the autumnal equinox. In it, the prevailing energies are of renewal and extroversion. It was probably at this time that you felt the most motivation to start a project or to start a new cycle in your life. So during the autumnal equinox, you should think about whether what you sowed in early spring has borne fruit and whether you are really happy with the path you've taken.

2) What summer experiences make me grateful?

As summer precedes the autumnal equinox, you should take this opportunity to think about the experiences you've had in the hottest season of the year. At this point, you should think about what has done you good and what has transformed your way of seeing the world in recent months. By doing this, you will have a store of good thoughts for when the days turn dark during the fall.

3) What am I reaping in my life?

In autumn, we must reap everything we sow during spring, because, by the cycle of nature, it will collect. You can use this image as a metaphor for your life. What have you grown in the last few months that you can now harvest? Do you feel happy thinking about it? Do you have any regrets about the decisions you made? Establish a relationship between your past and your present.

4) Which area of ​​my life needs more balance?

Considering that the energies of the autumnal equinox encourage introspection, you should take advantage of the date to delve deeper into every area of ​​your life. In a self-knowledge exercise, think about your relationships, your career, and your relationship with yourself. Thus, you will identify which sector is hurting you and what are the ways to balance it.

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From the content we have prepared, you will have a fruitful autumnal equinox that will help you improve your life. Recognize that the isolation that the season promotes by low temperatures is the perfect time to look inside yourself. Do this exercise to understand and balance yourself.

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