Stories that inspire

Dear readers, greetings of peace! I appreciate the walk, I appreciate the learning, I appreciate watching the steps of those who left before me to clear roads. It is obvious that when we talk about self-knowledge, we are talking about our own journey; one that no one can do for us, but whoever sets out on this journey knows how many labyrinths appear along the inner paths.

We live searching for our true selves and we search so much that we get tired. And it's a good thing we got tired to the point of realizing that we don't exactly need to search; as if it were far away or hidden. Or if it were separate. It is enough to observe that the true Self is already and is already in us. Asking only for permission to express yourself through this body, this moment, this journey. The search becomes the learning of how to allow the presence of being what one is.

Stories that inspire
Photo from Pixabay not Pexels

I believe that each individual lives their own experience, but by going through certain paths and telling how they did it, it leaves precious guidelines that we can use when putting our experience and our studies into action. Counting on tips from those who have already ventured can help us to pass with some confidence through some abysses.

For example, those who watched the movie “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” will remember that upon reaching the Holy Grail Cave, Indiana is faced with three deadly challenges: “The Breath of God”, “The Word of God” and “The Path God's". He had in hand some notes to guide him in this challenge, but it was up to him the wise action derived from assiduous study to act in the right direction. That is, he could only act by kneeling before the breath because he knew that only the penitent man would pass.

I realized that it was time to dedicate myself to studies on spirituality and self-knowledge in 1998, after reading “The Celestine Prophecy”. It was a gift from someone who left before me and generously left tips so I could leave too. Inspired by an ancient Peruvian manuscript, the story is a parable filled with fundamental truths. As mentioned in the book itself: “A book that comes along once in a lifetime – and changes everything, forever.” And it really changed my life. The story expanded my dormant spiritual awareness. It was the first of many lessons.

The book “The Celestine Prophecy” concludes: “Each person who hears the message and understands that the perceptions are true must pass the message on to all who are ready for it. Connecting to energy is something human beings have to be open to, discuss and wait for, otherwise the entire human race could go back to pretending that the meaning of life is to wield power over others and explore the planet. If we do this again, then we will not survive.”

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Self-knowledge and spirituality are possible through study, commitment and discipline. Understanding with patience, accepting our limitations.

May the messages of this awakening to the being of light that we are spread so that more and more we can shine together and illuminate everything and everyone around us. namaste

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