7 steps to a more balanced life

    We are always on a thread, running from here to there, busy up to our necks and occupying our minds with whatever distractions arise. With so much technology and information, it seems impossible to maintain balance in the midst of chaos. It looks like it, but it's not!

    Having a balanced life requires dedication. Being a Zen person and being in touch with your Inner Self, contemplating your spirit all the time, doesn't happen overnight. But where to start? What should I do? Calm down, Eu Sem Fronteiras helps you!

    It's no use building a serene and happy image of yourself for others, without taking care of your internal problems in general. Yoga exercises help us to stay focused and physical, but they are not what solve our personal, emotional and spiritual problems, it is our dedication.

    You need to strive and dig deeper always, seeking to know yourself and balance your needs and limitations. We list 7 steps that can help you in this search for balance and positivity.

    1. take care of your body

    Without good health, our mind also gets sick. Be sure to take care of your food and sleep, they are the factors that determine whether or not your life is in balance.

    A person who doesn't sleep well and doesn't eat right, most of the time, has psychological and physical problems. Sleeping and eating properly help fight anxiety and depression, as well as improve our physical and mental condition.

    Exercising can also help keep your sleep regulated and control your eating. Always have schedules and limits to eat and sleep, without this you will end up messing up different sectors of your life. Rest and a balanced diet give us energy to better deal with day-to-day activities.

    7 steps to a more balanced life

    1. have discipline

    Through Yoga we learn that it is necessary to have discipline in everything. No working without rest, drinking in moderation and eating more than you should. We need to cherish our health and spirit, everything needs to be in harmony to feel good.

    As the saying goes, “Empty head, Devil's workshop”, being idle won't make your search for balance easier either. Every moment of your life needs to be lived at the right pace or your physical and emotional health will erode with the arrival of difficulties.

    1. Get organized

    Leaving things for later will only get in the way of you in the future. Everything needs to be in balance to work in a practical way, so it's very important to get things done and leave laziness aside. This goes for all walks of life.

    Do whatever it takes to get your work done, so free time will be optional and you won't suffer from unforeseen circumstances. Enjoying life is delicious, but excess is dangerous, avoid distractions during your routine and always look for motivation on a daily basis. Have focus and patience.

    1. Take care of your Inner Self

    Trusting yourself is the first step to accepting a balanced life. We all need to get along well to feel good, especially on the inside.

    Self-love teaches that it is not enough, we need to thank ourselves, forgive ourselves and accept ourselves to get rid of negative energies that hold us to a life full of resentment and sadness.

    When we take care of ourselves, we automatically take care of the world around us. By establishing this contact with your Inner Self, you become more accepted by the universe.

    1. be a positive person

    It's not news to anyone that negativity attracts negativity, so it's very important to know how to deal with problems in a mature way.

    Complaining about everything that is out of your control will not minimize the problem, it will only make it bigger. Talking about people behind their backs won't help their spirits either, these attitudes are energy blocks and create negative patterns in our life.

    1. Create the habit of reading

    Reading feeds our soul and distracts our mind. Spiritually speaking, reading expands the mind and our understanding of the world and the sacred.

    Make your day more fruitful by reading at least one different article to feed your mind. This practice teaches us to evolve spiritually, change positioning and solve our problems.

    Just the fact that you took the time to read this article proves that feeding the mind never hurts.

    7 steps to a more balanced life

    1. Meditate

    Last but not least, meditate. Meditating reconnects you with your Inner Self and with what is beautiful and sacred in the world.

    To wander through the depths of being is to enter a state of clarity, thus making it easier to solve problems and have a deep knowledge of your desires.

    Self-knowledge never ends, the more you explore, the more things you find. This powerful tool can change your life, meditate on a day-to-day basis, whether for a short or long period. Here on the site, we have already listed some mantras to help you get in touch with your deepest self.

    Being a balanced person requires daily dedication, this lifestyle provides countless benefits to us and the people around us. Try our recommendations and bring peace and harmony to your everyday life.

    Text written by Juliane Rodrigues from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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