Stop complaining!

    Stop complaining!
    The universe is made up of opposing pairs, pairs of elements that are placed in opposition, so that we can know the fullness of each one of them. In this sense, we know light, because we know what darkness is. We know what is bad, because we know what is good.
    And much has been said before about the need for gratitude. Thanking is something extremely necessary for our dreams to come true. So today the reflection is about a habit, the bad habit of complaining.

    Are you a person who often complains a lot? Do you make complaining a habit? Do you complain because it's raining, but do you also pour out complaints when the day is sunny, complaining about the intense sun?

    Well, it is necessary to rethink your life, every second of your life. Why complain? Complaining is one of the most useless things created by human beings. Complaining that the checkout line is long and lengthy will not make it any faster. Complaining about a flat car tire is not going to fix it. Complaining about having to get up early will not give you more hours of sleep, nor will it lessen your tiredness.

    A complaint is the crutch that many people use to justify and hide their lack of attitude. So, stop complaining. Complaining about the high value of the electricity bill will not decrease its value. On the other hand, get up and turn off unnecessarily lit lamps.

    Complaining doesn't change anything. What transforms the world around you is the joint effort of your attitudes.

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