enjoy life

Faster than we think, it's there, passing by... life is really a box of surprises and things happen when we least expect it. We are always surprised with new chances, new beginnings, new people, experiences and also gains and losses.

Nobody ever taught us how to live life, did they? Because it doesn't have an instruction manual or fixed rules, everyone lives in a different way, learns in a different way and has different experiences.

The most difficult thing is to understand what it means to “enjoy life”, we have to balance responsibilities, fun, demands and thousands of activities, it's not easy.

enjoy life

Famous “Carpe Diem”

The well-known and oft-quoted Latin saying “Carpe Diem” means “seize the day”. This is yet another symbol of the concern of human beings to enjoy life, to enjoy their time to be happy.

However, happiness is very relative and the exaggerated demand to enjoy life can become much more of a burden than a benefit.

Be careful not to hold yourself to social standards or too many demands for a title of happiness that is nothing more than words. Seek in yourself and in your routine ways to really feel pleasure in living, to make this journey something light and pleasant to command.


To make life more pleasant to live, we give you some tips to identify ways to find joy in the simplest things:

1. Take care of those you like

Don't leave to value someone when you are about to lose the person. We have a habit of getting used to the presence of certain companies and as valuable as they are to us, we minimize their importance for mere comfort and convenience.
How many relationships have not ended due to lack of attention? How many tears have flown out of loneliness and lack?
Be sure to give affection to those you love, the answer will be reciprocal and nothing better than loving and feeling loved, this is part of enjoying life.

2. Get excited and discover yourself

Several activities are capable of giving us pleasure, and you will only know them if you try a few. Don't be afraid to do new things, get to know everything that life can give you and make each new experience a chance to discover yourself.
Far from any demands or social standards, do what is good for you and manage to put a smile on your face, regardless of what they will say!

3. Take care of yourself

Before any external help or care, you have to help yourself! Never stop taking care of yourself, eat well, be willing, carry out your activities, dress as you feel comfortable, set goals and plans and engage in them. Your life is your playground, you must be willing and energetic to enjoy every toy and every fear you pass.

4. Be who you want to be

Don't let people cover you and make your life a burden. Demands and constructive criticism are extremely important for us to grow as a person, but they cannot block our moments of relaxation and enjoying life. Have self-confidence to meet deadlines and activities, but know how to balance them with peace of mind and inner harmony.

5. Don't fear life

Don't be afraid of the unknown. Think that, regardless of your belief, this life right now you will only live once. Enjoy everything you can do and feel like it, don't let opportunities pass you by.

6. Don't be sorry

If something is left behind, that's okay, it's not a reason to be discouraged, but to do different. Learning from mistakes is also part of life and teaches us a better way to enjoy it.

7. Have fun with your routine

It is impossible to live well if the routine is a burden, it must be pleasant even with all the commitments and difficulties it brings. Your work and professional life can be demanding, as long as it doesn't compromise your happiness, let alone your time to devote to yourself.

8. See the beauty in the little things

Life can have much more flavor if the little things become reasons for pleasure. The color and aroma of flowers, the details of your own home and many other things can make you happy and you don't even know it. Try giving value to new reasons and understand the beauty of the simple.

Text written by JĂşlia Zayas from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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