Stellar Quantum Table

    Stellar Quantum Table was born in my heart even before I was introduced to her, since I was little, very dreamy, I looked into space and felt part of something much bigger, something that was beyond my reality. And I, because I was so innocent, told what I heard and felt about my spirituality… It was a difficult phase, as there was a division between beliefs and religiosity.

    A part of the family supported me, as I also come from a “healers” background. I felt the need to have the two connections, the two lineages, close to me. We can unite, why divide? What was beyond my reality, with my spiritually in the house of Pisces, is not difficult to imagine, as my heart fluttered with each change in the heavens, stars and planets always brought me fascination.

    Stellar Quantum Table

     I started with the quantum touch, it was amazing, I felt a huge love, I felt like I was in a hospital, surrounded by spiritual “doctors”, of course, and I felt like I was a device, an auxiliary instrument, to help that human being who was lying there in front of me. And this was repeated over and over again. Then I met the Reiki and I was improving the techniques and knowledge, each time I learned something, the more I knew that I knew absolutely nothing. I later met the Star Quantum table, whenever I was in a therapeutic training center I would look at that board, until one day I decided to go for a consultation/service. I confess that I found it strange, I don't remember very well what the therapist told me, what was marked in my essence were the sensations, the perceptions I had and, of course, an absurd connection with the table, I felt part of it. It was then that I started to study the subject and, from then on, I never stopped. I studied a lot and still continue to study. I became a teacher of Stellar Quantum Table, in order to help other planetary healers and be able to follow my mission, which is spread light, love, welcome, respect and, above all, no oaths!

    Article written by Eliane Queiroz Ferreira from Ponto de Luz Terapias Sistemicas Ltda.

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