Starting over… A good start to a new life – Chapter 7


Pay attention to the last four verses of this beautiful song. In them, there are two powerful verbs in the context of a new beginning, whatever it may be… Getting ready and forgetting are the verbs. They need to be incorporated by you in your purposes of starting over. Verbs, by definition, are the voices of action and it is these voices that you need for your fresh start to be really effective, something with flavor and meaning in itself, the energy of motivation to move forward.

Starting over… A good start to a new life – Chapter 7

First, get ready. That's right: as if you were going to a big party, get ready thoroughly, with a lot of love for yourself. Cover yourself with symbolic clothes that will make you feel able to navigate the paths and tangles of people with ease, with a little nose in the air, certain that you are ready for whatever comes and that your restart is a fact. What are these garments? Simple, like the ones that covered the great men and women who brought civilization to the present day: awareness of self and its missions, woven with the threads of combined beliefs and purposes, all surrounded by the colors of emotions and feelings that provide vibrations that they act as the energies of those who say “I know what I want” and “I know why I want it”.

Then forget about it. Forget what didn't work, use this pasty thing about bad experiences just as a reference so you don't repeat it... but leave it behind, forget the phrases of everyone who told you that conforming is more prudent, forget the emotional pain of what you have to choose a fresh start and go into action!

A liturgy for this moment: take a very resistant backpack, put stones of all types and sizes in it that you find on the path chosen for the practice of this liturgy (perhaps a trail in a forested region), make sure it is very heavy , remove the stones, put an adhesive tape on them where you must write the facts that must be left behind, put the stones back. Go to the path, say your prayers, and make your way through it, taking one stone at a time and throwing it away, and with it what is written on the sticky tape.

Try to notice the difference in weight with each stone that is extracted from the backpack and imagine how much the problem that was written on it weighed in your life and enjoy the feeling of relief. You will be working on a mental level with the sensations that result from the combination of awareness of the weight of the problem and the change that occurs when it is gone, even if only figuratively. The practice of this liturgy will build an internal scenario that will welcome facts and reasons for beginnings, their emotional values ​​and rewards in every way. With each passing stone and, with it, the respective weight, the carrying of the backpack will be less painful, as well as the feeling of lightness that is more intense in place of the harshness of the weights of the many afflictions of everyday life.

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Starting over with only what is relevant is a formidable healing process. Returning to the liturgy of stones: if each one that leaves a space that was previously painful, this can be converted into a depository of good memories, pieces of dreams and aspirations. This conversion depends only on the person and his will, like the strength that resides in the expression “I want and we are talking!”

The suggested liturgy leads to the creation of the moment to start over, the one in which everything is ready, fitted, rounded, in the right measure and in the exact weight. But to be ready for a fresh start, the process includes some fundamental preparatory measures that require compliance. Here are some very useful ones, in no order of importance:

The promise to yourself: I won't start where I left off, but start from scratch, even if it takes time and asks for more of my strength.

Life cannot be written in pencil.

You cannot erase an error and correct it;

But you can start over on another line.

Karem Kruger

Control+Alt+Del, the sometimes miraculous combination of keys that sends to the calends what no longer serves in the text, must be activated in the mind, on top of all the crap that brought pain and afflictions: delete, erase, throw away , eliminate, in short, it is necessary to get rid of what has brought risks to the soul and leave it ready for a new architecture.

Fear of cockroaches, spiders and creepy crawlies come on, but fear of one's ability to transform is intolerable! Failing to retrace the paths out of fear of any kind is to make the angels howl in pain!

But… what if it doesn't work out? It didn't, come on! And what prevents another fresh start?

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