Starting over… A good start to a new life – Chapter 6


“Our business is to start over every day, with full force and even without it.” – Lisbeth Resende Paulinelli Seba, Training Consultant in Corporate Education

Seminar opening, 08:30 am on October 22, 2014, in Goiânia, GO.

I heard this sentence in the first minutes of a seminar in Goiânia, GO, and I wrote it down because I intuited, at that moment, that it would be useful once again, in addition to its effect on the opening of the event, in which I shared the regency with the aforementioned professional. Today, I use it to be a kind of godmother of this stretch. And it fits, therefore, in sustaining a reality in this huge challenge of starting over… for real! It happens that starting over is not a shot that is fired once: if it hits, great, but if not, that's when the sow twists its tail! It will be necessary to make a series of shots, to calibrate directions and trajectory, until the right path is found, and then just accelerate and start the joy of the fresh start!

It may be that the restart “stops”: the start may not have been with the necessary power or the weight of what is abandoned is still too great or what is much worse, it may happen that the reactive forces, in the opposite direction of the decision and of the action of fresh start, become too powerful.

start over. Start over. Re-start again, but don't stop. With full force or no force at all, every day it all starts again: our Planet around its own axis in each 24-hour cycle is an inspiring model. In this, nature has something to tell us. And we learn.

Starting over… A good start to a new life – Chapter 6

Start over, but don't go back to what you were, don't give in to this or that impulse to abandon the dream of redoing trajectories. This became very clear to me when, watching a televised newspaper in São Paulo, covering a fire in the Piolho favela, I saw the images and the voice-over of a resident of the place, who looked desolately at her corner reduced to ashes. Asked what she would do, given the loss of everything, that brave lady said to the reporter: “Start over my son, as I did the other three times I lost everything right here. Start over until you don't need it anymore, huh? Too difficult, but what can you do?” I never knew the name of that lady, but I kept a poignant life lesson with me and I promised myself that I would use it at the first opportunity I had to provoke in those who need it to remember that “fiber” and “courage” are not exclusive to acclaimed by the media, always hungry for someone to praise: the aforementioned lady, all honors be done to her, proved, in pain and loss, that starting over is what comes after... if so decided.

Every day, with full force or without it, but starting over, not letting go of the bone, may I add! If you're at full strength, it's diving deep into the actions that will lead to an effective restart, and in the absence of it, don't be fooled because a fresh start will still be possible, in this case with a lot of effort, but ALWAYS a fresh start.

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On that day in October, the tenth after my birthday, the consultant who was directing the work at the event “moved” a lot with the participants of the course, with me too, and, from some of them during the coffee break, I managed to get an impression that in them It was, more or less like this: “What the teacher said is that we want it or we don't really have to play the ball forward, is it or isn't it?”

I kept the expression of that young sales professional, and some time later, I don't know how long, another learning took place about having to start over, with full energy or none: an extensive report on refugees from countries devastated by internal wars and reports of thousands of people without a home, without money, without food and water, cold, with nothing more than the clothes they could wear and carry and without any more strength, faced with having to start over, because there was no alternative. Some of the interviewees said that every day they looked for strength where they didn't have it and that was their poor and mistreated lives.

Starting over… A good start to a new life – Chapter 6

So it was time for me to practice what I had learned: around two in the afternoon I lost the file I had been working on since five in the morning, because of a corruption in the HD of my old notebook and having a date of completion, the which is more than sacred to me. Very tired, really tired, without any energy, I decided to restart the production of the text, not without first allowing myself to taste a potão of chocolate ice cream with mint and saying to myself: “Now this story of starting over without having energy is up to me, by the way. a good opportunity to learn a little more about my fiber!” When the clock to the right of the note book screen showed 23:00 hours the text was ready and I didn't even realize if I had energy or not because I didn't have time: a few steps and I was already sleeping before touching the pillows with my laborious head. It was good for me: I had no one to instigate or applaud me, except for the consultant's phrase, the image of the face of the lady from the Piolho favela and the sparkle in the eyes of the refugees from the civil war in Syria.

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