train your mind

    You have a mind. This is a fact. Whether it's worth training it or not, for that we first need to understand what it is. The mind, unlike what science believes, is not something physical; that's why it's so hard to find a clear definition of it. Simply put, a definition of what the mind is is: the mind is a conscious energy. Everything in the universe is energy and so is the mind. But what sets it apart from other energies is what we call consciousness, the state of awareness of your own existence.

    In other words, the mind is a being with a consciousness of its own., which manifests itself through a physical body through thoughts, sensations, actions, behaviors and ideas. That is, you don't have a mind, your mind is you. To understand this, you need to understand that you are not just your body, you are a mind that has a body β€” not the other way around.

    Now, going back to the main subject of the article, is it possible to control the mind? Yup. Controlling the mind means having self-control. And that means taking control of your life. Some philosophical currents, such as Hermeticism and Zen Buddhism, have been talking about this for centuries.

    Followers of these philosophies say that the universe is mental and, therefore, everything around us is the creation of our own mind and, therefore, if we control it, we can control our own reality.

    train your mind

    If we take this point of view into account, Mind control is essential for a life of freedom and fulfillment.

    As for the forms of mind control, there are several. From meditation practice, through martial arts, esoteric practices, prayer practice, focus training for work productivity and even sports, all require a focused mind, and every time you do one of these things, you are training your mind to control it more and more.

    So, if you seek mind control, because you can see the benefits that it can bring you, look for an activity that requires focus and attention. Practice this activity regularly and see how it will affect the focus you have in other areas of your life as well.

    Also, try to always be present. Instead of rambling on, stop and look at everything around you. Activate your five senses and live in the present. Using your senses to focus on what is happening in the now is a great way to wake up your mind.

    Whichever way you choose to train your mind, notice how reality begins to change. Watch your thoughts and remember that what you think is an impulse of activity from your mind., and what is created in the mind becomes physical in the outer world. Learn to control your mind and see how everything in the world can be manipulated.

    Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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