Spring has come. It's time to bloom!

Spring has come. It's time to bloom!
After the invitation of autumn and winter to introspection and reflection, spring has arrived calling to bloom. In this dance of the seasons, each one has its importance and contribution to our evolution and growth.

In autumn, the leaves fall and the temperature drops, and in this scenario we are invited to look inside and let go of the weights and baggage that are harmful, and this cleaning encompasses everything from the physical and spiritual, limiting beliefs, harmful behaviors and relationships. toxic.

Just ahead we find winter, it is another contribution of nature to our growth. It is a propitious time to heal emotional wounds and traumas, pay attention and affection to the wounds of our inner child, review plans and projects, and continue that cleaning in all areas of our life, and thus release, transmute and release all low vibration energy.

After the finalization process with the winter, we have the Spring Equinox for beginning and birth. It is time to plant and take care of our garden with care. It is time to admire the beauties of nature, its diversity, abundance and the wonder of life. It is another great gift from the Universe in the form of collaboration for our awakening of consciousness.

Spring, which begins today, is an open invitation to dance and celebrate life. We've been through two seasons of reflections and lessons, and now we can put what we've learned into practice and dance with the flowers. It is time to bloom, and no matter where you are or what you are doing, may this spring breeze of renewal invade your heart, and that stimulate and provoke more courage and courage to live your truth, and as Osho said: β€œThe The search for truth is the search for the inner spring.”

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May this new cycle bring you many colors and loves, enlightenment and joy, and don't forget that soon we will have summer and the phase of harvesting our fruits, but that is a subject for another article...

I wish you a great spring!

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