Fertile period: clear all your doubts

All healthy and fertile women, who have already had their first period and have not yet reached menopause, go through the fertile period in all menstrual cycles. These days are usually from three days before ovulation to three days after, which is usually on the 14th day of the cycle, if the woman has a regular cycle.

On these days women may have specific symptoms. Understanding each phase of the cycle itself is also an important form of self-knowledge, since in each phase a woman behaves in a different way and has different desires.

Common symptoms in the fertile period

Fertile period: clear all your doubts

For those who want to get pregnant, this is the stage to maintain sexual intercourse. Those who want to stay away from pregnancy can even avoid intercourse during this period. Regardless of the reason, it is important to understand the characteristics of this phase and how to calculate it.

As well as physical and psychological sensations that the famous PMS (premenstrual tension) can bring, the fertile period can also cause some symptoms. Realizing them is another simple way to identify the fertile period, remembering that they can change from woman to woman!

1. Transparent vaginal mucus

One of the main features is the transparent vaginal secretion, the texture resembles that of raw egg whites, the first sign that ovulation is approaching and consequently it is close to the most fertile phase of the month.

This is because at this stage the hormone estradiol is released, which helps to produce more fluid, a kind of lubrication mechanism that helps sperm enter the vaginal canal. The human body is perfect, isn't it?

2. Increase in basal temperature

Fertile period: clear all your doubts

All this hormonal change can cause a slight increase in basal temperature, even many women can use this observation (from the daily measurement) as a contraceptive method!

The change in temperature can be from 0,3 to 0,8 °C, and is measured with a thermometer as soon as you wake up. There are even thermometers with two places after the decimal point to help you notice this change. It occurs because it is during this period that the follicles release eggs that increase the amount of the hormone progesterone, responsible for this increase.

3. Pimples, libido and appetite

An easy aspect to be noticed is the increase in skin oiliness and consequently the appearance of blackheads and pimples, when the fertile period is close.

This phase is also known for the increase in libido, the woman usually feels more attractive and with greater sexual desire, in addition it is common for the appetite to increase. All these changes are due to increased hormone levels.

4. Pain in the lower abdomen

Fertile period: clear all your doubts
Polina Zimmerman/Pexels

Not all women feel or notice it, but it is very common for a pain in the

lower abdomen bothers a little, more or less at the level of the ovaries. There may be light twinges or even cramps that appear and disappear, it is an important indication that ovulation is occurring.

How to calculate the fertile period?

First of all, it is necessary to understand that as we are human and each organism has its specificities, it is difficult to accurately inform an account that works. But there is a standard way for women with a regular cycle, that is, who always take the same number of days to menstruate, or with little variation.

The fertile period is usually in the middle of the cycle, so if your cycle is 28 days, you are likely to ovulate on the 14th day, so three days before and three days after is your fertile period.

For those with irregular menstrual cycles, the calculations are not reliable, but one way to estimate fertile days is to write down the length of each cycle for a year, then subtract 18 days from the shortest cycle and 11 days from the longest cycle. The result of the first subtraction will be the beginning of the period and that of the second will be the end, thus being able to help in the perception.

What is a fertility test and how to do it?

Fertile period: clear all your doubts
dmvasilenko77/ 123RF

An increasingly used way by women to find out their fertile period accurately is using a fertility test. A help for those who have an irregular cycle and want to get pregnant, and also for those who, even with a regular cycle, want to know the days with more assertiveness.

It measures the amount of LH hormone in the body, which is usually highest in the fertile phase. Easily found in pharmacies or on the internet, it has the same practicality as pregnancy tests.

Digital or pipette, just leave a few minutes in a little urine and the result will appear, each test has specific instructions for performing. In general, it is recommended that it be done in the morning or after four hours without urinating, in addition between 15 pm and 19 pm the hormone tends to be in greater quantity, so it is the most appropriate time to take the test.

ovulation calculator

Some sites such as Alô Bebê and Tua Saúde provide an online calculator to facilitate the counting of fertile days, more practical than carrying out the account and with a quick result.

To use the ovulation calculator, just know the first day of the last period and how many days on average your menstrual cycle lasts, with just one click on the button after filling in the data, the result appears on the screen.

Fertile period and the Mother archetype

Fertile period: clear all your doubts

Each woman can observe in herself changes in sensations during the phases of the menstrual cycle and the repetition every time it occurs again. In the Sacred Feminine, there are associations of these specific qualities of each phase of the cycle with feminine archetypes, that is, figures that can facilitate the interpretation of these phases and how the body itself behaves in each one. There is no pattern, but it is interesting to know to see how the body itself works during these energy changes.

The fertile phase is related to the Mother archetype, summer and the full moon. Energy is usually turned outwards, at this stage it is common to be available to other people, socialize and celebrate! A positive point of perceiving your own behavior at this stage is knowing that it is the best time to schedule meetings, meetings and enjoy life in a group!

In addition, it is possible to feel more loving, communicative and attractive, with greater sexual desire and desire to enjoy pleasure. It is not by chance that this phase is associated with summer, a period of abundance of food and sun.

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Not all women know their own phases other than the menstrual, it is a gift to know yourself and understand how your own body works, that a woman's body is cyclical and that in each phase you can take advantage of it to do different activities according to the disposition.

In this way, the fertile period is another important period for the woman, each one can perceive it by observing herself, whether by symptoms, temperature, calculations or tests. There is certainly a lot to discover about female cyclicality, and every woman can find these traits in herself and enjoy according to her goals!

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